Back in town on March 3, Beast (stylized as B2ST), consisting of Yoon Doo Joon, Jang Hyun Seung, Yong Jun Hyung, Yang Yo Seob, Lee Ki Kwang and Son Dong Woon, performed the Beautiful Show at the Max Pavillion.

These 6 handsome boys charmed reporters at the press conference by walking in with swag and style. Wearing stylish black suits with “bling” embellished on the blazers, one could see why there were thousands of fans waiting patiently outside the Max Pavilion for the concert.

Back in town for a full-blown concert this time, the fans went crazy and started camping outside the Max Pavilion 2 days before the concert.

The press conference started as abruptly as it ended. Short and sweet and without any questions of much thought as most press conferences are, but that is just the way the fans like it. So here are the Beast boys and the model answers to the run-of-the-mill questions.

Disclaimer: All answers are translated by the translator at the press conference and not by me.


You have been to Singapore so many times, what is the most memorable thing for Beast here?

DJ: Even though Singapore is a small country, we are quite surprised by the large fan base that we have here and I feel that this is the most memorable thing about Singapore.


What does Beast think of the individual charms of their members?

KK: Dong Woon’s charm has to be his perfect look. He is the perfect visual.

DW: Ki kwang has the perfect toned body.

KK: Yo Seob has an irresistible cuteness about him.

YS: I agree that I am cute and am thankful that fans acknowledge think of this as a charm.


How does Beast feel towards the fans of different countries, especially Singapore?

DW: Even though we may not speak the languages of all the fans from various countries, the love and support they give us is all the same, so there is not much difference between fans of different countries. To us, every fan is memorable and we are looking forward to meeting our fans at the concert tonight.


How do you feel about holding a world tour only after 3 years in the industry?

HS: It’s been barely 3 years since our debut and we’re happy that we’re already having a world tour. Even though sometimes it may feel a little early, we just see it as part of a challenge. Please look forward to more of Beast


Which performance of the concert do you feel is Beast’s most beautiful performance?

YS: We can’t really pinpoint one, but performances aside; the scene of our fans filling up the audience seats is the most beautiful scene of them all.


For the various solo and group acts in the concert, which performance do you think is the most challenging?

JH: There is not one performance that is the most difficult, as every performance has its own challenge to it. We put in our best effort for every single performance, whether it is a solo, duet or group.


Do you have a special diet or exercise regime to follow for maintaining your body for the concert?

YS: We don’t have time to follow a daily exercise routine, so we just try our best to eat regularly, get enough rest and sleep to keep our fitness top notch.


Photos courtesy of Sherlene Soon.

In the Shanghai concert, Beast impressed the fans by speaking Mandarin, is there a chance of them performing a Chinese songs for the fans?

DW: I picked up mandarin in my high school days but right now, I’ve already forgotten most of it. But if the fans want me to perform a Chinese song, I am forever ready to pick it up and sing a Chinese song for them.


Any message for your Singapore fans?

KK: I understand that Singapore fans have been waiting for a long time for our full-fledged concert and to make up for the long wait, we have prepared an awesome show, so please do look forward to that. I hope all the fans will have fun at the concert tonight.

DW: We came to Singapore for a fan meet last year and we’re really honoured to be back for a full concert; this time we have new songs and performances and we hope that our fans will keep supporting us.


For the rest of the tour dates, please refer to the list below:

  • March 21 (Yokohama, Japan)
  • March 22 (Yokohama, Japan)
  • March 21 (Kobe, Japan)
  • March 25 (Kobe, Japan)
  • March 26 (Nagoya, Japan)
  • March 27 (Nagoya, Japan)
  • March 31 (Taiwan)