
Dexter Lok grew an interest in migrant literature after covering the plight of Singapore’s migrant workers during the pandemic for The UrbanWire.
19 Oct 2021
My Autograph Book director Wee Li Lin, the little dröm store’s co-founder Stanley Tan and other Singaporeans share about their love with autograph books.
29 May 2019
The UrbanWire is giving away 3 copies of Conversations with Friends!
28 May 2018
Young Irish author Sally Rooney’s debut novel is a starkly realistic tale of romance and friendship set in post-crash Dublin.
22 May 2018
Meet Cheyenne Alexandria Phillips, the instant poet who can create customized poems on demand – all on her typewriter.
Singapore is seeing a rise in the number of indie magazine titles.
Charmaine Leung recounts the bittersweet tales of her childhood.
Charmaine Leung chronicles her childhood living in the red-light district.
12 Jul 2017
Felix Cheong’s not-so-sweet tales of Singapore are now available in a box set.
5 Jun 2017
Ryoichi Wago became the voice of Fukushima as Japan reeled from the sharp blow of its worst nuclear disaster.
10 Nov 2016

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