As Singapore’s Esports industry continues to evolve, so has the diversity of its player pool. Gaming is no longer something just ‘for the boys’. Especially as all-female teams continue to rise across the region.

One of such teams is Blitz Zen, who competes in the Female Esports League (FSL) competitions for first-person tactical shooter game Valorant. The event itself sees about 2,000 participants each year across games such as Mobile Legends and DOTA 2, and serves as a key platform for competitive play amongst local female teams.

Blitz Zen is an all-female (five-member) team composed of (from left) Snow, Olulu, cjsakura, Boink, and Toffy who are between the ages 18 to 23. Photo Credit: Verlene Koh 

Esports is just like any other sports, with teams undergoing rigorous training for a chance of victory. “Our team training is usually on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,” says Jolene (cjsakura), a member of Blitz Zen. Adding that balancing their studies and competitive training is key, especially as the competition season (from March to July) approaches once again.

Blitz Zen trained tirelessly a month before the Valorant contest organised by Volta PC in which they managed to reach the quarter-finals. Photo Credit: Volta PC 

But it hasn’t always been a smooth journey. “A lot of these organisations tend to not focus on Esports because Singapore is very small,” says Kai En (Snow) on some of the challenges faced being a competitive gamer in Singapore.

The limited support for not just female players but Esports competitors across Singapore compared to other countries in the region puts them at a disadvantage. However, teams such as Blitz Zen continue to persevere to make their mark, brushing off remarks such as ‘you belong in the kitchen’ and other unpleasant experiences to focus on their goal, and the simple joy of playing a game they like.

In Valorant, each player plays as a character which is known as ‘agents’. Photo Credit: IGN

Among the many who enjoy multiplayer games such as Valorant, a select few find themselves at the top of competitive rankings. Their skills catching the eyes of Esports organisations and groups looking to recruit players, or simply start up their own teams to join in on the competitions held where the best of the best in their country (such as Singapore), and even the region (such as SouthEast Asia), face-off. And it is these few that are able to go beyond just chasing higher ranks in the game and receive acknowledgement of their skill as a team in the public eye. 

So, what exactly goes on behind the scenes of the Singapore’s Female Esports League? Find out more in this video.

Proofread by: Danial Roslan