
Get ready folks! It’s time to play a new album on your music player because country superstar, Carrie Underwood is back with her third studio album, Play On. If her previous 2 albums are any indication of what to expect from her, this latest album should have success written all over it.

With a very Kelly Clarkson-esque cover picture on her album, it gives the impression that Carrie Underwood is trying to cross over to the more pop side of country music. After all, that’s how she’s managed to sell more record copies than any other American Idol winner. Simon Cowell was right in saying that Carrie Underwood would become the biggest American Idol singer (in album sales) in Idol history.

So how do the new songs fare compared to the high expectations that Carrie Underwood set from her first 2 albums, Some Hearts and Carnival Ride? I’d have to say quite good actually. I can easily see quite a number of songs making it onto the Billboard’s Top 10 Country Songs list.

Her first single, “Cowboy Casanova”, was released ahead of time but it got people buzzing in anticipation of her new album. It has a very aggressive guitar riff in the opening that paves the way for Carrie to sing about how country boys can be so dangerous yet irresistible at the same time. It’s a rather cliché song with lyrics comparing guys to “a disease”, “a curse” and “like a drug”, but for her, it’s a proven record seller.

Another song that I particularly liked is “Mama’s Song”. It’s a touching ballad about how mothers shouldn’t worry too much about their daughter getting married as the man is treating her like a real man should. A drastic change from the loud and upbeat first single, but I’m loving it.

If you thought “Cowboy Casanova” portrayed the country starlet’s bad-girl side, think again. The song, “Songs Like This” is like Carrie gone vamp. With lyrics like “Wanna find some boy, rip his heart right out” and “How easy sweet revenge rolls off my lips”, coupled with a wicked banjo, I’ve a feeling that this song will appeal to many teenage girls.

That being said, Carrie Underwood definitely deserves credit for her song-writing as they feature in more than half of the songs in the album. Her maturity is evident in her song writing skills, but after 2 fabulous albums, one would expect better from her.

Title: Play On
Artiste: Carrie Underwood
Language: English
Record Label: 19/Arista Nashville
Release Date: Nov 2

Standout tracks: “Cowboy Casanova”, “Mama’s Song”, “Songs Like This”, “This Time”

1. Cowboy Casanova
2. Quitter
3. Mama’s Song
4. Change
5. Undo It
6. Someday When I Stop Loving You
7. Songs Like This
8. Temporary Home
9. This Time
10. Look at me
11. Unapologize
12. What Can I Say (feat. Sons of Sylvia)
13. Play On