Stay on track for your fitness resolutions this Chinese New Year with these 3 snacks.


You know the tempting snacks are packed with calories, and yet, your willpower to stay clear of them weakens with every house visit.
The question is: Can we indulge in the goodies without putting on weight?

“To stay healthy during the festive season, just watch your calories and go for lower-calorie food options,” advised Nur Irfan, 19, a freelance personal trainer and men’s physique competitor.

Here are some healthier alternatives to some of the most irresistible goodies.

Pineapple Tarts vs Dried Pineapples

Pineapple tarts. Photo by: Keane Lee

Fragrant, crumbly tart topped with sweetened pineapple, this classic snack is readily available in most houses. Be careful though, each small tart packs 82 calories and its addictiveness makes it difficult to stop at 1 tart per sitting.


Dried pineapples. Photo by: Keane Lee
Dried pineapples. Photo by: Keane Lee

In comparison, dried pineapples contain only 18 calories per piece, and are able to satisfy your cravings for the sweetness and tanginess of pineapples without the accompanying guilt.


Keropok vs Banana Chips


Keropok [Deep fried fish/prawn crackers]. Photo by: Keane Lee
Keropok [Deep fried fish/prawn crackers]. Photo by: Keane Lee
These deep fried crackers usually come in huge sizes, making them easy to spot. Despite not being a Chinese snack, Keropok are a common sight in households during Chinese New Year. Each piece packs about 50 calories, so be sure not to finish the whole packet.


Banana chips. Photo by: Keane Lee
Banana chips. Photo by: Keane Lee

Alternatively, banana chips come in smaller bites, helping to keep your mouth occupied. These chips are equally crunchy, tasty, and only contains 1/5 the amount of calories in Keropok per piece.


Mini Peanut puffs vs Shelled Groundnuts


Peanut puffs, also known as Kok Chai. Photo by: Keane Lee
Peanut puffs, also known as Kok Chai. Photo by: Keane Lee

Also known as Kok Chai, peanut puffs are traditional Chinese snacks made in the form of dumplings. Filled with ground peanuts, the mini puffs explode in your mouth when you bite into them, adding a whopping 39 calories to your body.


Groundshell peanuts. Photo by: Keane Lee
Shelled groundnuts. Photo by: Keane Lee

With shelled groundnuts, you can still savor the nutty flavor, while cutting down ¾ of the calories as compared to peanut puffs. To add some fun to this snack, clip the peanut shells on earlobes as forfeit for losing poker games.

Aim to eat the right side! Photo by: Keane Lee
Aim to eat the right side! Photo by: Keane Lee


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*Information on calorie counts are taken from