Concert review: Cody Simpson


It wasn’t bad for teenage heartthrob, Cody Simpson, debut concert in Singapore. He charmed adolescent hearts with songs from his new album, cheeky dance moves, and a laid-back surfer charm at the Kallang Theater on August 10.

Last we heard, the young musician is starting from scratch with his independent album, Free, after parting ways with Atlantic Records and Simpson now brands himself as an independent artist.

“I don’t care if it doesn’t go to number 1. I made the cool, mellow, positive album I wanted to make and I’m 18 so I have plenty of time to keep making music,” he admitted on

Finally Free

Simpson kicked off the night with his new album’s title track, “Free”. His smooth croons together with crisp, clean guitar jangles overpowered the squeals that filled the theater. The poignant tune is symbolic, representing a departure from his teen pop days and him venturing into something new and completely different.

“It’s the perfect title for where I’m at,” he confessed in his interview with Billboard.

But with his recent split with model Gigi Hadid and his evolution from a teen popstar to a chill, acoustically-vibed musician, the Aussie singer may have lost a bulk of his former fan base. The venue was barely half filled which affected the atmosphere.


At least Simpson feels free to finally play the music he has always wanted to create: only him up close playing his guitar, and his band accompanying with no other embellishments or distractions.

The 3-piece band consisted of Khari Mateen on the bass, Luke on the guitar and Adrian Cota on the drums, all whom were as equally pumped as Simpson during the entire set.

“A lot of the messages in my songs tonight is to share with all my fellow youth that each and every one of you has the freedom to do whatever you like in your lives. You don’t have to conform to anything. And that’s what this music is all about,” Simpson advised his fans before breaking into “Flower.”

Wild Crowd

 “Home to Mama” was the crowd’s favorite, with hysterical screaming filling the room as soon as Simpson began to sing. Fans rose to their feet, swayed and sang along to this tune written together with his famous pal, Justin Bieber.

The crowd went absolutely wild when Simpson told everyone to get off their seats and come to the front of stage. “What are you doing, this isn’t an opera,” he exclaimed just before he jammed to “Blues Medley” with his accompanying band who played their hearts out alongside Australia’s reborn raw and edgy singer.


This revamped singer’s set was eclectic. With light-hearted serenades and mellow rock runes with tinges of reggae, Simpson and his 3-piece band gave fans a show with no frills.

Mostly a showcase for Free, from which he sang crowd favorites such as “Driftwood” and “New Problems”, Simpson still treated his long time supporters to “Sinkin’ In” from his sophomore album, Surfer Paradise, to which they erupted in squeals of delight.

Ranging from fan girls who constantly screamed “Take off your shirt” to more demure fans secretly sending snapchats of Simpson proclaiming, “I want you”, a brand new Cody Simpson managed to steal the hearts of all the fan girls that Monday night – with or without a record label.

 Strutting the stage with his groovy dance moves to basking himself in the tunes he created, the transformation of Simpson’s sound lets him be free. And it can easily be seen that it is the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

Set List

  1. Free
  2. Thotful
  3. Driftwood
  4. It Doesn’t Matter
  5. Im Ur Friend
  6. Flower
  7. Livin Easy
  8. ABC
  9. Wilderness
  10. Sinkin In
  11. Happy Little Hippie
  12. Blues Medley
  13. New Problems


Photo Credits to LAMC Productions