Love is hard enough to find as it is. What’s more, it takes a long time to get to know people and even a longer time to actually fall into the river of love. Worse, after falling into the river of love, you are not sure if it’s really a smooth flowing one that leads you into eternal bliss or just a slum.

In order to facilitate the blooming of love for singles, has recently launched its latest date profiling system that is said to take the guesswork out of finding love, in the form of simple recommendations on your suitable colour!

Set in a highly distinct local flavour, the date profiling system seats the respondent through a series of questions that is linked to a complex algorithm that assesses the candidate’s personality with regards to love relationships. After the 40 questions, the candidate would then be given a written assessment of the individual’s personality traits and assigned a Wow Colour (such as Sky Blue and Chocolate Brown). He or she will also be advised on 2 other types of candidates that they would get along most comfortably with, together with their Wow Colours.

This helps the candidate to identify prospective partners at future events. Furthermore, some of the 600 people who have tried the test and attended some of events also felt that the colour coding is also a very good ice breaker as it provides the participants with conversation currency.

Ms Lydia Gan, the co founder of Clique Wise LLP said, “In my experience of organising singles events, most people find a date by looking at external factors, such as common interests, liking pets, favourite foods and places. However, as a love relationship progresses, they might discover significant differences in their personality that stand in the way of compatibility.”

She also explained the need for a locally-developed date profiling system, “There are many online date profiling systems but these tend to be targeted at Western countries, with different basic assumptions about sexuality and social structures. Singaporeans are slightly more conservative and socially cohesive, so it is important that we factor these differences into our questionnaire. We have taken care to word it in a more local manner to encourage quick comprehension. The first answer is nearly always the most accurate answer when it comes to personality assessments so we can’t have candidates labouring over the questions.”

Indeed, the questions are designed in a very tongue-in-cheek manner that range from working in the same company to your personal mission statement in love. At the end of the survey, you will be awarded a colour that best suits your personality.

This is also done in a bid to avoid branding of people. Other personality tests like the Myers-Briggs type indicator uses psychological words like introvert and judger that has a social stigma that one might not feel it particularly identifies or is complimentary. Colours being generally neutral would not bode ill feelings.

While might sound like a website for men, there is actually a 60-40 percent division between the genders with women being the majority. The personality test is also applicable to both genders.

To do the test, log on to to find out what’s your colour today!