Three lucky winners will be receiving one copy of the books in the photo! The three novels included in the giveaway are:


Sofia is an ordinary schoolgirl living in a future Singapore where the population is divided into three social strata. When she inadvertently unlocks the gateway to a new world, she realizes she must escape the government’s radar. She ventures into the lowest rung of society, the Voids, and meets with the eccentric Uncle Kirk and the resourceful Father Lang. While on the run, she learns why her father disappeared seven years ago and why the new world exists in the first place. Probing and thrilling, this novel explores worlds within worlds and reinvents the creation myth.

THE LIGHTS THAT FIND US By Anittha Thanabalan

Deepavali has never been the same since the terrible mistake Shreya made three years ago. She now dreads the annual celebration, choosing instead to be as uninvolved as possible, until she is visited by three celestial beings who decide to help her right the wrongs. In Singapore’s answer to A Christmas Carol, Shreya revisits key events in her family’s history and catches a glimpse of their future as well. Seeing things in a new light, she comes to terms with her emotional wounds and learns the importance of keeping herself and her family whole.


Beng Hock and his brother, Beng Huat (who prefers to go by Archibald), find themselves navigating a tumultuous Singapore in the near future that has run out of oil and gas. Running afoul of the growing gangs could mean slavery or death, jobs are scarce and food scarcer, and home is a crumbling shanty-town behind the City Hall Steam-Engine Station. And as if these changes aren’t drastic enough, a great power awakens inside Beng Hock, and he must learn how to control it before it destroys everyone and everything in his way.

To stand a chance to walk away with any one of these novels, follow the steps below:

1. Follow @epigrambooks and @theurbanwire on Instagram

2. Like Epigram Books and The UrbanWire on Facebook

3. Comment down below which book you’re hoping to win and why!

CONTEST CLOSES 12 AUGUST 2019 12PM. Good Luck!