By Alicia Lee

Inquisitive’s career in deejaying and turntabling did not begin with him in the clubs and aspiring to be the one on the decks. It acutally started with inline skating.

“I used to skate and normally when you watch the skate videos, you hear the soundtrack where you have people like, scratching to the hip hop beats and stuff so I was like ‘Wow, I like this kind of music’… I like the noise so I started [from there].”

Just 24 years of age and Inquisitive has already garnered an impressive portfolio, being named DJ of the month by JUICE magazine, a three-time DMC champion, playing alongside the famed Steve Aoki, and earning a residence at popular local club Butter Factory. For those of you not yet in the know, the DMC Championships is the Olympics equivalent for turntablists and has crowned DJs such as Andrew Chow of Zouk, who is incidentally the only other DJ in Singapore with a triple win at the DMC, and also Inquisitive’s first mentor.

When asked whether he would consider another round on the DMC decks to claim a fourth title, Inquisitive muses, “It is really stressful, practicing for DMC [because] DMC is like, you can practise for 10 hours a day, but on that day if you make one single mistake, that’s it. I mean, [yes it is] fun, but I’ve already won three times so I want to go do my own music. But I will definitely come back.”

For most other popular DJs, the next stop would be superstardom, world tours, autograph sessions and an entourage. But when hype asked Inquisitive about his list of things to do, he says, “I’ll set up my own music label to sign friends and stuff, hopefully!”

Contrary to expectations, a day in the life of Inquisitive is surprisingly normal.

“I wake up at 1pm, go on Beatport to find new music and read my friend’s blogs. Because I need to read a lot on music and try to source for it and know about it, I spend about two to three hours online reading up… and then nothing much. I’ll just start making music till about dinnertime. You can find me at the skate park at Orchard, at home, or at a friend’s house chilling. Nothing special. Or you can find me at Butter [Factory]!”