By Adeline Loh

Taiwanese R&B singer David Tao may have been the headlining act of Channel 5’s Celebrate 2011 New Year’s Eve countdown, but for fans anticipating Tao’s next artistic product, they are unlikely to find it in his music.


“To be very honest, I’m unlikely to have much musical output in 2011. Even if I produced anything, it wouldn’t be an album,” revealed Tao at Celebrate 2011’s press conference. Tao was quick to reveal his plans for 2011: when asked about his new year’s resolution, Tao gave a singular answer, “To make my first film.”

Known for soul-searching tunes such as “Rain (找自己)” and “Black Tangerine (黑色柳丁)” and melancholic love ballads like “Everything’s Gone (流沙)”, Tao has signalled his cinematic ambitions since end 2009, but now, he appears more determined then ever, even willing to take leave from his musical career. “I rather be a master of one thing. I can give up some things to do this well,” relates Tao, “I don’t want the confusion that my movies are made by David Tao, the singer, rather than a movie made by David Tao, the director.”

40-year-old Tao’s shift from the spotlight to a more background role as a director and scriptwriter is not simply about experimenting with a new medium, but a return to the dreams of youth. “I studied film when I was in school. This is a lifelong dream, not just a passing fancy,” says Tao.

But the shift also comes at a time when Tao seems increasingly jaded with his singer-persona, where rumours of his romantic affairs make the news rather than his work. Media speculation has been rife in recent months in Taiwan and Hong Kong that Tao has proposed to 24-year-old model Jian Bao Shan. “I didn’t even know I was getting married in January (2011),” Tao expresses, almost with a sense of resignation. His attitude towards the Taiwanese and Hong Kong media can be summed up in 2 words, “fang qi” (Chinese for given up).

Is becoming a film director and scriptwriter perhaps also Tao’s way of wearing a protective shell, to shift the focus to his work rather than himself? Tao admits that he has no interest in acting in his movies or in taking on the role of the male lead. He was also quick to put to rest any discussions of romantic possibilities for 2011: “Basically, I will have no personal life”.


Tao is currently working on his movie script and expects 2011 to be more “tiring but challenging.” “I haven’t been extremely pleased with myself [in 2010]. Financially I may have done quite well, but in terms of achievements, I haven’t,” shares Tao. “ I give myself pressure, but I understand not every year can be a milestone, or a landmark achievement year.”

Comparing his own direction with fellow Taiwanese singer’s Lee Hom’s first self-directed film, Love in Disguise (恋爱通告), Tao shared, “Li Hong’s work is a lot lighter. My work will probably be harsher… I want to make something that people will think about, whatever genre it is.”

Tao is currently contemplating between two genres: a comedic farce or a mind puzzle thriller. For fans, Tao’s upcoming film may where they can rediscover the sincerity and meaningfulness so evident in his earlier albums. As Tao himself admits about ‘finding yourself’ in your work, “The topic is something that’s close to your heart, and that’s something that’s very difficult to do when you’re making a film.”

All photos are courtesy of Jeremy Lo (top picture) and Dinesh Ajith (bottom picture) from Klix Photography.