You could’ve said that the 34 degree heat got into the heads of Dearest when they opened Day 1 of SINGfest 08 with a mind-blowing performance with plenty of surprises.

Drummer Miles Gibson told UrbanWire after the performance that it was sweltering on stage.

“I thought Indonesia was hot. Singapore is even hotter!” he exclaimed.

The Canadian Indie band performed hits like “Don’t Call It Love” and “Remember Me” while dressed in an all-white ensemble.

“It’s really hot. But nothing’s gonna keep us from f***ing rockin’!” lead vocalist Andre Palmieri screamed into the mic.

He’d promised a “a huge party with lots of energy, sweat and maybe a little blood” in an earlier email interview.

Well, there was energy and sweat. And there nearly was blood too.

Things Get Crazy

All of a sudden, Dre decided to scale the metal scaffolding on the right side of the stage, climbing up about 1.5m before hanging off and singing.

Bassist Randie Van Gorp followed suit on the stage’s left, scaling about 4m in height till he was next to the speakers and started strumming away up there, much to the appreciation of the crowd.

Later, Miles told UrbanWire that things could’ve gotten even wilder.

“I wanted Randie to jump from there!” he laughed.

“He’d have broken a few of his bones and some of the crowd’s too,” the drummer joked.

Randie explained that he was really excited and since the crowd was getting into the mood too, he just decided to climb on up.

“I’m like a cat; I’ve 9 lives,” he said, pooh-poohing UrbanWire‘s exclamations of concern for his safety.

Music Enjoyed By All

UrbanWire felt that it was really cool how the bands got to get down from stage after performing and mingle with the crowd while watching the other bands perform as well. Miles, Randie and guitarist Sasha Szlafarski were spotted having a beer while watching New Found Glory’s performance with the audience.

“I just love watching other bands perform. That’s why I got into music into the first place,” he gushed.

Enjoying a concert alongside someone you watched rocking it out on stage slightly over an hour before? It’s only possible at SINGfest!

Click the thumbnails below to enlarge photos. Photos by Soh Kai Ruo.