
With rising prices, thrifting in Singapore is losing its appeal as a budget-friendly alternative. Are thrift stores becoming too pricey for their young, eco-conscious shoppers? The UrbanWire gathers straw-polled opinions of these individuals.
Join The UrbanWire as we explore the worlds of food and fabric sustainability, witnessing firsthand how they were given a second life at The XTRA Market by Farmly!
Join The UrbanWire team as we unravel the treads of Andrew Gn’s remarkable career of a visionary artist, exploring his unique contributions to the world of fashion
21 Jun 2023
In lieu of the holidays, The UrbanWire sets out to look for the most exciting activities and the best places to eat at our sister country across the border, Malaysia! 
Sarah Lai En, the founder of PLAYHOOD, transformed her illustrations into a successful fashion brand. The UrbanWire team visited her showroom to learn about her artistic journey.
2 Jun 2023
The UrbanWire team headed down to WEAREHOUSE by WEARE to check out their affordable vintage & thrift event.
Find out why Jobel Chan likes creating cutesy tattoos when the ones on her body look way more “fierce”.
Polytechnic student Kong Jin Yuan has gained a good following on TikTok with his grandma-inspired OOTDs.
22 Jan 2022
Putri Wahyu Desyani, better known as Addigni to her 15.6k followers on Instagram, shares how she makes a living from her creative enamel pins.
Fashion influencer Ng Ka Yan hopes to inspire her TikTok followers to embrace their own sense of identity through her bold style.
11 Nov 2021

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