While most DJs who’ve graced the covers of magazines seem to lead complex and sophisticated lives, this 26-year-old begs to differ.

DJ Yafith, Resident DJ of Attica Shanghai is actually a very simple, friendly and fun-loving person who just wants to make sure he delivers a good night out for everyone, UrbanWire discovers.

How did you get into the DJ scene (from picking it up to spinning professionally and then becoming a resident DJ of Attica)?
“Well… to cut the story short, I’ve loved music since I was young. I was involved in the military band from primary to secondary school, playing instruments such as the clarinet, the trumpet and I also played an organ at home. Then my “career” started as I got interested in becoming a club DJ. After getting to know some friends who’ve helped me out, here I am! I started playing in clubs at Boat Quay and Mohammed Sultan, a couple of parties in Sentosa, overseas, Clarke Quay (Attica Singapore) and now, Attica Shanghai! Phew… that was a mouthful!”

How long have you been spinning as a DJ?
“I’ve been in the line for almost… let me think, 7 years. But professionally, around 5 years. It’s not easy being one.”

Why not?
“Becoming a DJ, it’s not only being on deck, you have to know your songs, you have to know about the background of the culture that you’re playing in and to see the crowd inside the club. It takes time.”

Was your posting to Shanghai a shock or had you expected it?
“I’d never expected it and it was very shocking, but it’s actually like a dream come true. This opportunity doesn’t come by often.”

So you’re enjoying yourself there?
“Yes, definitely, being in a different environment, getting to know the country, although there are some hassles here and there, but well that’s their culture and you have to actually adapt to it.”

How do you adapt to living here, especially since you’re not a Chinese?
“Just follow what Shanghainese do. (laughs) No, no… How do I adapt? Basically food is a bit of a worry to me, but I do research on the internet, and it’s easy to find food here. It’s just that you have to travel a bit here, unlike Singapore where you can just go down to any coffeeshop and you can find food. But here… yes, you can but I cannot eat a lot of things, so I have to travel quite a bit. McDonald’s, KFC is easy… but I don’t want to eat that already. But! I’ve found one halal beef noodles store around my residence.”

You’ve been away for some time now, so do you ever miss home?
“Of course, everybody does, and I do miss home.”

So what do you do to overcome that?
“Well, basically, you have to go out, get to know the country even more and try to do things that will keep you occupied. Sometimes you will feel very lonely, but well, that’s how it is and you have to handle it. Anyway I’m staying with a couple of my colleagues who are friends, so they’re always around. And they’ve become like my family here.”

Is Hip-Hop the main type of music that is commonly played in clubs in China, or is it still relatively new?
“Hip-Hop has influenced a lot of people, I mean… people would rather like to listen to Hip-Hop and R&B music when they come to a club. In Shanghai, it’s not in the “overdrive” state yet but it’s really growing. In Singapore, people are already, wow, going head over heels over the music, as from what I can see.”

Would you consider DJs, including yourself, as music gurus in their own genres?
“I wouldn’t say that I’m a guru in Hip Hop & R&B, different DJs have different styles so I would say that I’m my own guru in my own style. It’s definitely a very interesting ‘DJ world’ out there. I just do my very best entertaining people & make sure that they come back for more. And I’d like to make a shout out to: DJs Titus, Ollie Flip, B.I.G, Sylenz, Rattle,Tang, Paul, Andrew Chow, J-Stylz, Annuar, Jaz, Nadtrix, Rizal K, Ko-Flow… DJs Daniel, Linus, Andrew, K-Zee, Has, Godwin, Boy, Kenneth, Jason, Norman, Dezlee, Ken, Small. God, family, friends, Funkguru… (Appreciate all, and I’m sorry if I’ve missed out anyone…)

Before we go, please tell us something about yourself that not many people know about.
“I’m a very nice guy but a lot of people don’t realise that and, in one way or another, I get taken advantage of rather easily. It’s sad sometimes but I’ll always let music cheer me up.

Pictures provided courtesy of DJ Yafith.