Film + TV

Doing the right thing amidst clairvoyant manhunts and brinksmanship
A new spin on J.M Barrie’s classic, which show us Peter Pan, as we never knew him.
Supernatural film starring Nicolas Cage is basically a slightly scarier version of Taken.
8 Oct 2015
An outer-worldly will to survive in the toughest times in The Martian
Turns out you can teach an old intern new tricks with The Intern
Don’t let the cast and trailer fool you, We Are Your Friends is more than sex, drugs and EDM
Johnny Depp is back in another serious role but it ain’t no cringey flop this time
Standing out from other spy flicks with a reluctant dynamic duo
More is at stakes here than just another tearjerker teen drama
Inside Out reveals how the mind works in a light-hearted and amusing manner, Pixar style.

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