Film + TV

Stand a chance to win tickets to catch M1 Peer Pleasure Youth Theatre Festival 2017’s commissioned play, Without Reason.  
Stand a chance to win tickets to catch the plays Permanence and Sejarah-Ku.
The UrbanWire has *5x pairs of complimentary movie passes to give away.
18 Jul 2017
The UrbanWire has 5x pairs of preview tickets to give away.
28 Jun 2017
The UrbanWire has 3x pairs of preview tickets to give away.
19 Jun 2017
The UrbanWire has 5x pairs of preview tickets to give away.
16 Jun 2017
Delve into the much-anticipated Wonder Woman as DC Comics’ much-anticipated Amazonian princess comes into her own on the silver screen.
Get ready for the scorching hot sun and equally fiery bods in the classic film adaptation of Baywatch.
HYPE gives you a glimpse into Hollywood film remakes this year.
The UrbanWire has 5x pairs of tickets to give away.
24 May 2017

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