What’s another word for diva? Utahime, as the Japanese would call her. The popular Taiwanese trio F.I.R. was here to promote their latest album, Love Utahime from Dec 6 to Dec 8.

Although F.I.R.’s own Utahime (a Japanese word for diva or songstress) Faye Zhan came down with them, UrbanWire was disappointed to hear that the guitarist Real, didn’t manage make it for this promotional trip due to some problems that cropped up at home.

Nevertheless, we’re still pretty curious to find out more about the relationship between the capricious female lead singer and Real for they had recently admitted to their relationship as a couple.

F.I.R., The Talented Trio

As a full-fledged band, F.I.R. handles almost every aspect on their own, including composing and producing. The relatively low profile ???? (Ian) doubles as a producer and a manager, which is like having a promotions manager for a band member as well.

The 4th album released by F.I.R., Love Utahime has several interesting and refreshing changes. Shin, lead singer of his rock band Shin, was featured in the song, “Need Your Love”, astounding the fans with the high-pitched vocals by Faye and Shin. Faye and Real sang a very sweet-sounding track, “3 Wishes”, as if to announce to the world their relationship.

Speaking of wishes, F.I.R. was requested by a reporter to ask for 3 wishes and the dedicated musicians revealed their aspirations for the band. Ian wants the album and concert to do well in Singapore while Faye wants to improve in her songwriting skills. On behalf of Real, Ian said he’s hoping for the talented lad to write more popular songs for both F.I.R. and other artistes.

F.I.R., Always Challenging Limits

Although she’s in a Chinese rock band, Faye wrote 2 songs, “Change” and “Blue Doors Ahead”, something a little different as she started listening to English music like jazz and blues. Hence she decided to include these 2 compositions that she wrote during her university days.

Faye challenged herself in “Loved Once” with hai tun yin which are ultra high frequency (i.e. super high pitch) vocals that sound dolphin-like.

“I thought that I might not be able to reach the notes, but I amazed myself as I did it 20 over times continuously”, she explained in Mandarin. Apart from the courageous attempt, Ian revealed that Faye did alter her style of singing in this album, not forgetting the addition of some Beijing opera techniques in the hit, “Crescent Bay”.

F.I.R.; Relationship a No-No

Apart from releasing their latest baby, F.I.R. also made the first stop of their world tourin Taipei, Taiwan. It was also during the concert that Real proposed to Faye with a ring with a crystal as huge as an egg, saying that he wouldn’t continue with the concert if she doesn’t give the nod. The concert went on, so you know if Faye gave the approval or not.

Many artistes are restricted by their companies from being in a relationship with fellow band mates as it might affect their work.

“Nothing changes between us with regards to the field of work. We know our roles and the part we have to play,” replied Faye regarding the topic. As their manager, Ian once issued a ‘ban on relationships’ for Faye and Real, but he decided to accept the couple and replied in Mandarin, “Love is not something we can control with laws and rules and it seems silly to restrain 2 adults with it.”

Unlike some managers, Ian doesn’t really bother about the private affairs of the other 2. “He doesn’t really bother about our other matters outside work,” Faye disclosed. No wonder Ian only knew about their relationship one week before the paparazzi did.

Speaking about love, Ian gave the perfect answer to the question of who would need F.I.R.’s love most, saying that it’s the die hard fans who do.

F.I.R., What’s Next?

Singapore is one of the stops for F.I.R.’s world tour, but the details of the tour are not confirmed, nevertheless, fans should keep a look out for it. In order to prepare for the concert, do get their albums and familiarise yourself with their tracks.

Love Utahime is available at all stores now.