Horsemen, directed by Jonas Akerlund and released here in Singapore on Apr 30, is not a film for the faint of heart.

This film follows the usual investigative work by a detective. Tracking down a serial killer, he begins to find clues and links which he can feel for and connect with. You won’t be able to help but feel sympathetic for the cop, after you’ve seen the kind of emotional abuse that he has to face in dealing with the most depraved criminals ever seen on film.

As the film starts, you might first be horrified by the gory images, which are very graphic and well detailed. It doesn’t get any better as the film progresses; only worse. Expect to find images that will make even a fan of the Saw series tremble in terror. Don’t expect to be warmed after a 1 hr 30 mins of non-stop gore; you’ll find nothing but a chill in your heart bordering in insanity.

The acting was above average in my opinion. Dennis Quaid and Zhang Ziyi were able to bring out the conflicts and emotions that their character experienced, making their performance enjoyable for the viewers.

The audio effects was really great. If you’re looking for those sounds-which-will-tell-me-something-unexpected-is-coming-next, you’re not going to find it in this film. Rather, what you get are audio effects which fit in with the plot like a jigsaw puzzle, giving you a clearer picture of what this film is about.

The plot deals with many elements of human nature – Betrayal, love, regret are just some of the emotions that are clearly brought to life by the film. Couple that with the disturbing images throughout the film, and it’s enough to sicken and turn the guts of anyone inside out. There is no stereotypical funny moment in this movie, no lovey-dovey romance about the characters. It delivers horror straight in your face.

The ending sequence is an emotional plot twist… that isn’t totally unpredictable as long as you pay attention to the film and the implied meaning behind each scene.

Overall, a marvelous picture with grade A filmography. Definitely a must-catch.

Rating: 7.2/ 10

Release date: Apr 30

Rating: NC16 (Violence And Disturbing Scenes)

Genre: Thriller, Crime

Runtime: 90 mins

Director: Jonas Akerlund