Meet Finley Ng, 5, and Hayley Ng, 7, (@wendology) who are among the biggest child influencers in Singapore.

While they have mostly grown up as kidfluencers, they still manage normal lives.

“I don’t really think that I’m special,” says Hayley, the older of the pair. “I am just a normal girl.”

Having been on Instagram together for five years, the siblings have worked with brands like Colgate, McDonalds  and Milo. But they’ve recently announced their intentions to slow down on their brand partnerships. 

Ms Wendy Tan, their mother, explains, “The demand for collaborations nowadays are much higher than static IG posts.” 

The increased demand in posts where she would have to document experiences rather than take pictures has caused the family to gradually decline more offers.

“I just want to shoot them, five minutes and done,” she adds, “but with all these products, sometimes it can take up to an hour just for that.”

Watch this video as we discover how the duo and their mother balance their work and personal lives while working together.