Cafe Review: Guac & Go

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We circled Maxwell Chambers for a good 5 minutes before locating the glass-paneled café hidding in an inconspicuous corner. Immediately upon entering, our eyes are drawn to the walls – each plastered with meticulously hand painted avocados. It perfectly captures what Guac & Go stands for: avocados, avocados and more avocados.

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It’s no secret that Maxwell Road is synonymous with food; so universal it transcends all cultures and ages. With Maxwell Food Centre commanding the lunch crowd, plus the clutter of cafes and restaurants touting ‘office lunches’ jostling along that strip, the fight for survival is a cruel one. What can Guac & Go, a boxy, pint-sized café, offer?

Plenty, apparently. DIY salads, guacamole, All-Day Breakfasts, kale chips, guacamole, coffee, , wraps, quinoa… have we mentioned guacamole yet? You can say Guac & Go is the little floatation device of health that the nearby office workers cling onto in a calorific sea of pork lard and hawker grease.

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Health conscious consumers will revel at the sight of a very green menu. Owner Charlotte Wang, 22, says that “it’s all about “bringing healthy and delicious food to Singaporeans”.

Charlotte also answers our burning question: why avocado? “Our main inspiration came from Chipotle in the US. They have all these burritos with guacamole. We wanted to have a healthy take on that.”

Adopting a straightforward approach to guacamole, Charlotte divulges their recipe. “We mix in cilantro, onions, salt and lemon juice so it’s multidimensional.“ Healthy food doesn’t mean compromising on taste and Guac & Go strives to strike the perfect balance.

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The Happy Trio ($14) comprises cherry tomato salad, smoked salmon and a poached egg atop sourdough bun, all presented on a wooden board. Daintily plated, the dish is made complete with a generous serving of guacamole.

You’ll get the satisfaction of that smooth, silky yolk cascade down the layers of sourdough. Strategic placement, folks. Do go overboard with the guacamole. By itself, its creaminess is enhanced by the chili flakes dusted at the top. But add it to the salmon or bun and previously bland components suddenly become extravagant, tying the distinct ingredients into a singular dish. Skip the guacamole and it’s pretty much 3 standalones.

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The Guacamonster Salad ($14) seems to have the express purpose of proving that salad can be a substantial meal. We hear your disgruntlement #gymbros, but give this guacamole bowl a chance.

A sight to behold, it’s an amalgam of colors and we feel healthier already just by looking at it. Kidney beans, corn, roasted sweet potatoes and Cajun chicken cubes surround a scoop of guacamole, all resting upon layers of romaine. The roasted sweet potatoes are definitely the standouts. They resemble overcooked carrots but taste nothing like how they appea – firm but retaining all flavor. When mixed thoroughly, a single mouthful of the Guacamonster encompasses zest and spice, all underscored by the velvety guacamole.

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Not every item on the menu involves guacamole, thankfully. The Latte ($5) is unspectacularly regular, brewed from a blend of beans from Kenya, Santos and Jakarta. Guac & Go also features organic snacks imported form the US and freshly cold-pressed juices.

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It is a gallant cause, emerging in the already populated Maxwell Road food strip to break guacamole into the market. But Guac & Go isn’t all avocados. They are inventiveness too, asking themselves: “how can I make a bowl of vegetables seem more appetitizing over a plate char kway teow just a street away?” More than just avocados, Guac & Go cares about your health too.

Rating: 4/5

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Address: 32 Maxwell Road, 069115

Contact Details: (+65) 6221 2117



Opening Hours:

9:00am- 7:00pm (Monday to Thursday)

9:00am- 8:30pm (Friday)

10:30am- 3:30pm (Saturday)

Photos courtesy of Kristie Ng