Come Jul 13-15, Singaporeans will not only be able to catch some of the Asia’s best 9 Ball players duke it out as part of the 4th leg of the Guinness® 9 Ball Regional Tour here, but also even stand a chance to play alongside them!

3 lucky amateurs will get the chance to partner up with a professional pool player as part of the Pro/Am Competition when the Singapore leg of the tour starts in Jul. But that’s not all. Each of these amateurs will receive a pair of tickets to catch the Grand Championship Final of the Guinness® 9 Ball Regional Tour in Bali, Indonesia from 31 Aug – 2 Sep courtesy of tour sponsor’s Guinness®.

So it’s at this exact point of time that I believe that the question (assuming you read from top to bottom), “How do I become one of the 3 amateurs that’ll get to play alongside a professional and have a nice getaway in Bali?” starts running profusely through your head.

Well if that’s the case, then let us at the UrbanWire provide you with the necessary tips to enlighten you about how you can be 1 of the 3 amateurs.

Tip 1

A modified version of the Scout motto, albeit for participation purposes-“Be Prepared to drink”, because you’d need to drink some Guinness to be participate for the Guinness® 9 Ball Open Challenge which will be held on Jul 1.

All you have to do to participate is to simply purchase 2 units (cans, pints or quart bottles) of either Guinness® Draught or Guinness® Foreign Extra Stout and attach the proof of purchase with a copy of the entry form, which can be downloaded from the official tournament website from 15 May onwards.

Tip 2

Start training intensively if you’re going to participate in the challenge the Challenge will see you play against some of the best amateurs in Singapore which means winning will be tougher then getting drunk on a pint of Guinness.

According to Mr John Galvin, the marketing manager of Guinness®, “Pool is about accuracy and consistency, which is how we brew every pint of Guinness®.”

So start sharpening your skills, make sure you can hit those shots which seem nearly impossible from every possible angle. If you do jus that, we’re sure you’ll be one of the 3 that will be in Bali later this year.

Tip 3

The ball’s in your court (or on your table metaphorically speaking)! The greatest piece of advice we could possible give you is this-Take part in the Guinness® Open Challenge. After all, it’s a win-win scenario for you. It’s either you get a high from the stout or from the victory on Jul 1.

Who knows, you might even be good enough to “inspire greatness”, even amongst Asia’s finest pool players.

Pictures courtesy of Grayling.