Christmas is around the corner again and time is running out for those who haven’t gotten a gift for a loved one or friend. The shops are bustling with customers and you’re hoping someone will tell you where you should go to buy a personalised gift without all the hustle and bustle.

Not to fear, UrbanWire’s here! Let us guide you through this festive period with a list of creative online gift ideas that will amaze your friends and loved ones, and let’s not leave out the animals for this Christmas.
Picture Perfect

First up, let’s stay away from the cliché e-greeting cards that everyone is flooding your email inbox with and work up some of your creative juices with a touch of love. Even if you don’t have Photoshop on your computer, Microsoft Paint will also do. Whip out a picture of yourself together with the recipient of the email and draw wacky lines with commentaries of your memories from one of your late night partings together or draw thought bubbles with words of humour. This is a hilarious and meaningful gift idea to remember the times you spent before.

Wacky (and free) Gifts

Choose from a broad category of objects from cute animals to high-fashion clothing and crafty gadgets to expensive jewelry at OmniCity. An instant solution to those with tight budgets or holes in their pockets, this is an easy way out to sourcing for last minute gifts. Just a few clicks and your present will be sent at

absolutely no cost. You can choose anything from coffee makers, roses, a sports car to even a trash can. And it doesn’t stop there.

When the recipient receives the email, it comes in a wrapped box that opens with a click.

Greetings from Youtube!

Camera whores will rejoice at this, especially those who have friends or family in another country. Record a video of yourself singing a Christmas song or a special message and publish it on YouTube. Send your friends or family the link and he or she will be able to see you from afar on Christmas day.

Spare a Thought for our Furry Friends

On a slightly more serious tone, IFAW Gift for Animals offers gift solutions in your name for animals that are running extinction and in captivity for the Christmas season. You may donate gift sums to help out with the projects and protection of these animals, the perfect gift for any environmentalist friend or pet lover.

Be Santa

And for those with a Facebook account this Chistmas, there is a new application for you to download and be part of the Christmas cheer. Be Santa allows you to be Santa where you get to choose and send online gift solutions to your friends after receiving ‘to Santa’ letters. Yet another interesting way of giving presents and also giving yourself an excuse to spend an extra hour on Facebook. Yes, we mean you, all you Facebook addicts out there!

UrbanWire hopes that these handy online gifts will solve your last minute shopping woes . Buying presents have never been this easy, plus, it’s universal. So have a Merry Christmas and spread the Christmas Cheer with a click of your mouse!