Mother’s Day was first celebrated in ancient Greece to honour Rhea, their Mother of God. Similarly, in 1600s, Christians in England marked a day in remembrance of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ.
Today, UrbanWire celebrates the love and lives of all mothers in Singapore and around the world. We collected anecdotes and shout outs of love from people you might have only seen on TV or on the stage or from a moshing pit of a crazy rock concert, so that you might also understand that, beyond the personae they portray, they share a common love for their mothers.

MarieDigbyMarié Christina Digby , American Singer
“There are not enough words in my vocabulary to explain what you have done for my sisters and I. You’re the best Mom in the world and I’m very, very lucky!”

The Great Spy Experiment , Indie Band
Magdelene Han, Keyboardist:

TheGreatSpyExperiment“Happy Mother’s Day, Mummy. Thank you for taking care of me all these years. Thank you for making sure I have my regular dose of herbal tea and tonic soups. Thank you for always staying by my side when I am ill. I will never forget that night a few years ago when I had really high fever and you sat next me in bed the whole night, holding an ice bag on my forehead. For all that you are, I love you Mummy.”

Khairyl Hashim, Bass:
“Here’s to my rocking mum, Rohani, for whom i could never be the person that i am today if not for her love, patience, understanding and her collection of Bob Marley records. And i’ll never ever forget my first guitar that she bought for me even if it meant going against my dad’s wishes. Here’s to your health, happiness and more CSI episodes, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MAMA!”

Giants Must Fall , Indie Band
“We like to thank our mothers for their love and support towards us. We also like to thank God for blessing us with such encouraging and loving mothers. Blessed Mother’s Day, Mums!”

Mark “The Flying Dutchman” Van Cuylenberg , Class 95 FM DJ
To his late mom: “You have taught me the greatest 2 lessons I have ever learnt: Don’t take life too seriously and always make sure that a part of you remains a child.”
To his wife: “I don’t say it often enough; you are an incredible person, a great mother and I will love you till the day I die.”

Tim Oh, Gold 90 FM DJ
“Today is a blessed day to show our appreciation for mothers out there so I hope everyone shares their abundant love with their moms, just like I did. May the grace of God be outpoured unto all mums.”