Ever seen an outfit and thought “No one will EVER wear that… will they?” Enter bucket hats, holographic accessories and wedge sneakers.

In our new “Hot or Not” column, UrbanWire asks Ngee Ann Polytechnic students if these “questionable trends” tickle their fancy or receives the seal of disapproval.

Bucket Hats

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A bucket hat, also known as a fisherman’s hat, is a hat designed with a wide, downward-sloping brim and is usually made from heavy-duty materials like denim. It first appeared in fashion in the 1960s and made its reappearances throughout the years.

Mark Sim, 18, thinks bucket hats are HOT. “I think that the bucket hat is a very iconic hipster trend, and it’s not something that people can pull off easily.”

“Among my friends, I’m the only one wearing a bucket hat. But I’ve definitely seen some people pull off the bucket hat trend better than me. For example, some dancers like to wear bucket hats a lot.”

See what others have to say about this trend.

Nur Sabrina Bte Abu Bakar, 17, says, “I think if people can pull it off, it looks good on them. It also compliments a lot of face shapes.”

Joshua Tan, 18, chimes in, “It gives off a nice, mysterious and fun kind of vibe.”

Stefanie Yeo, 19, thinks it’s HOT as well. “It seems like a sensible choice in our sunny Singapore weather! Also I’ve been seeing hats in general feature more in like fashion magazines and such, so I think it’s definitely trendy.”

However, Sheila Hong, 18, adds that “Only certain people can rock it, the rest just look like fishermen.”

Tay Jinting, 19, supports this sentiment: “Why wear a fisherman’s hat when you are not fishing?”

UrbanWire says: Seems like beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Wearing a bucket hat may either give you swag or the stink-eye, so tread carefully.



Holographic… Anything.

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The holographic design is a shiny, iridescent material that burst onto the scene in the 90’s. However, while they had holographic sunglasses back then, the trend is now sleeker and more refined than ever. Now, anything from backpacks to shoes sport the holographic sheen.

Bernice Chue, 19, thinks the holographic trend is HOT: “I like it because I think it matches my style very well. I’m more towards street style, I’m stylish but not girly. It’s very effortless and it spices up my outfits without needing too much of anything else like jewelry.”

Cheryl Eng, 19, also thinks it’s HOT – but only in moderation. “Once, I saw a girl decked in an almost fully holographic outfit. She had a holographic bag, shoes, laptop cover, and even her shirt was holographic! That’s way too much “bling” for one outfit.”

Hold on… What do the others think?

Gwenyth Judilla, 17, agrees, saying, “It’s very unique and it stands out.”

Kimberly Goh, 17, believes it’s a NOT. “It’s too flashy for my taste and kinda gives me a headache.”

Tan Han Min, 19, adds that “Some people looks good with it but some not so.”

UrbanWire says: To each his (or her) own, but it looks like this trend is still going strong. Wearing holographic is an easy way to get spotted with its reflective properties that catch both eyes and attention. Just don’t go overboard or you’ll look like a walking mirror!



Wedge Sneakers

IMG_8811 (1)The antithesis to the Converses and Vans, the wedge sneaker is basically a sneaker with a built-in heel. It gives the wearer added height while maintaining the carefree aesthetic of the sneaker.

Evelyn, 19, says they’re HOT. “I like that wedge sneakers have a bit of height inside but they’re not legit heels. I like to wear shoes with a bit of height, because I don’t really like wearing flat shoes.”

Hmm, could it be that people just want to feel taller then?

Clarice Tan, 17, agrees with Evelyn. “It’s nice and it is a very good choice for people who want to look tall and sporty. Furthermore, wedges are easier to walk on than heels.”

Wong Cheng Yang, 19, says that they’re “great for people who need the height to feel more confident.”

Audrey Leong, 18, feels it’s a major NOT. “It looks like a bad cross between trying to lie to yourself that you’re taller and faking it with high cut sneakers”.

Claudia Tan, 18, says it’s NOT. “I think it’s an acquired taste.” Jess Wong, 18, says she “wouldn’t wear it,” and Lydia Sah, 18, says it looks “hard to pull it off”.

UrbanWire says: Wedge sneakers seem to be a prickly point. However, if you spot a trend you really love and it makes you feel confident, then you do you!



Seen anything around school that made you stop and stare? Tell us about it in the comments below and we might just feature it in the next edition of “Hot Or Not”!

Seen anything around school that made you stop and stare? Tell us about it in the comments below and we might just feature it in the next edition of Hot Or Not!