With their debut CD, “The Horrifying Truth,” being crowned as one of 2011’s best albums, alongside having their music likened to the soundtrack of the Quiksilver (or extreme sports) lifestyle, the 3-year-old band and former Quiksilver Ambassadors, I Am Giant, seem to be living every musician’s dream.

They’ve even had big names in the extreme sports scene featured in their music videos, including 11-time ASP (Association of Surfing Professionals) world surfing champ, Kelly Slater, and professional skateboarder, Tony Hawk.

Tony Hawk features in "Living The Crash", while Kelly Slater features in "Neon Sunrise", both songs from I Am Giant’s debut album, “The Horrifying Truth”.

What more could a band, with all its four members, Shelton Woolright (drummer), Paul Matthews (bassist), Andrew Kerr (guitarist), and Ed Martin (vocalist), being extreme sports fanatics themselves, possibly ask for?

“We really enjoy participating and watching extreme sports as a lifestyle and as a band,” Shelton says. “One of the biggest perks of being associated with Quiksilver is [that] we get to play at a lot of [such] events. … We’re really lucky and grateful to have some of the biggest names in extreme sports in our video clips, and hopefully we’ll have some more features in our next record!”

The foursome recently even played at Wavehouse Sentosa, on Jun 11 as part of their Asia Album Release Show, “The Horrifying Truth”, to a screaming crowd ranging from head banging teens to die-hard fans.

I Am Giant performing at Wavehouse Singapore, in front of a raving crowd.

Grateful to all their fans for their support, I Am Giant has no qualms about taking the time to reply to every single one of them, be it their 56 thousand fans on Facebook, Twitter, or even on their website. It’s no wonder fans go crazy for the 3 New Zealanders (Shelton, Paul and Andrew) and Brit (Ed).

Yet, for I Am Giant, life wasn’t always a bed of roses. Their current member line up was birthed from the demise of their previous bands – Ed from progressive rock band, Volume, Paul from double platinum selling band, Tadpole, and later, more recently, Stylus, and Shelton, from the triple platinum selling ‘nu-metal’ band, Blindspott.

For some of the members, most prominently Shelton, where they stand today can only be attributable to a nightmarish history in the music industry. As the heavily tattooed drummer told getfrank.co.nz, his past saw him dirt broke, sleeping on floors, and even being unsuccessfully sued by members of his previous band over its name, a painful experience with the plaintiffs being the drummer’s childhood friends.

If any, the life lessons the foursome took away from their past endeavors was to “work harder, then work even harder,” as told by Shelton. For Paul, “If there’s one thing I wish I knew back then, it’s probably knowing what’s important and what’s not. Writing something, that people wanted to listen to, is.”

Andrew Kerr hits all the right notes as he shreds on his guitar.

In I Am Giant, a band that’s “waaaaaay more professional,” compared to the foursome’s past bands, according to Paul, (who laughingly adds, “because I’ve been playing with fools,”) their ambition to succeed together is what drives them.

In fact, on the band’s perfectionist quest to find a vocalist, they went through the long and tedious process of auditioning over 160 individuals just to find the perfect choice of vocals to their upbeat sound – and Ed fit the bill. “It was amazing to have the opportunity to form a band and start this journey that we’ve been on, really,” Ed remarks.

From screaming on stage to bellowing out powerful vocals, Ed Martin, vocalist of I Am Giant, has audiences going wild with his voice.

Though they might be standing proud with their record of numerous achievements today, I Am Giant aims for even greater heights and remains a down-to-earth and hard working band. Whenever they hit the road on tour, they never fail to write new songs, aiming to hit 20 to 25 tracks for their next album.

“First and foremost, it’s a passion. We love to play, write, and tour. … We’re a really serious band, … and it’s a professional thing, it’s a business,” commented Shelton. “To be able to continue doing it, you need to be really focused and driven, and you’ve got to do the right things,” agrees Andy.

Perhaps with aspirations best personified by their “giant” band name, I Am Giant “hasn’t reached the end of the rainbow yet,” claims Shelton. “There’re still many things we need to do to achieve our dreams and our goals, and each day we get closer to it!”

Today, though the band skateboards and snowboards much less than they used to, largely due to wanting to save their musicians’ limbs from the unnecessary battering from the elements, their ambition towards music will likely never die. Placed right below their girlfriends on their individual list of priorities, or so as Shelton says, I Am Giant promises “more music, an evolution of songs, and an extension of the music we’ve already established.”