Remember Jocie Guo the cartoon figure, who belted out the Chinese song ????? (“The Mouse So Loves The Rice”) 2 years ago? After echoing the streets for the longest time, Jocie introduced another critter into the Chinese music scene – the cockroach – with her debut album ???? (“Not afraid”).

Her cutesy voice and catchy tunes had the locals humming and blasting her songs from every possible speaker at home but this time, her latest album takes on a mechanical approach by going techno.

Coming back into the music scene with her latest album this year, ???? (“My Darling”), UrbanWire speaks to Jocie about her darlings and going techno Mandopop.

UrbanWire (UW): My Darling is your 1st time experimenting with techno Mandopop, do you personally listen to techno Mandopop songs?

Jocie: I don’t really listen to techno Mandopop. So it is really my 1st time trying out this particular genre. I kind of liked it because it is techno and when you listen to it, you feel like dancing along to the tune.

UW: Where would you be promoting My Darling?

Jocie: I am currently promoting the album in Singapore and will be heading towards China to promote My Darling.

UW: Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Jocie: There are so many things that I want to do! I won’t put a time limit to how long I give myself to complete my dream. I would want to continue singing my songs, save up some money and set up a fund. I would also want to carry my own design label.

During my days in Singapore Polytechnic, I took my elder brother’s advice and did a degree in Engineering and fell for his trick! Actually, what I want to do is designing but I didn’t have courage to pursue it because I thought that it was too difficult.

UW: What is your most memorable song in My Darling?

Jocie: I would say that ??? (“Don’t be afraid”) is the most memorable song in my latest album because during the recording of ???, my dad fell ill and got admitted into the hospital so the song has a special meaning.

UW: How about your favourite song?

Jocie: I wrote the song ??? (“Left hand side”) so I have to say that it’s my favourite one inside. Although this is not the 1st time I have written a song, it is the 1st song that I wrote from beginning to end. Before this, I wrote ??? (“Hooking Fingers”) with ???(Liu Zhi Wen).

UW: Are there any interesting incidents that happened when you were selecting your songs?

Jocie: has to be when I was recording ???? (“Tiger Tiger”). I had to do a lot of hand gestures because there were animals like tigers, chickens and worms. I felt like I was recording in a zoo! It was really a lot of fun.

UW: Are there any “darlings” in your life now?

Jocie: The darlings in my life are my cats! I have 4 of them at home and they were all stray cats before I took them home.

UW: Who would you want to work with in the future?

Jocie: I would love to work with anybody who would want to work with me! It is different working with different people. I am still considered new so I am not fussy about this.

Grab Jocie’s My Darling which are out in stores now to get a taste of her 1st techno Mandopop experience!