The words grease and slime normally comes to mind upon hearing the words “bicycle shop”. But LifeCycle offers much more, including clothes, gadgets and even books!

LifeCycle was started by Simon Siah as a lifestyle store after having suffered a heart condition while he was working in an events agency.

“I was leading a hectic and stressful life and that was a wake-up call for me, to take things slower,” he said.

“I was able to exercise but not over-exert myself.”

Simon started to take up an old hobby, cycling, and was soon immersed in it. He then set up LifeCycle in to advocate cycling as a lifestyle, and not just a sport.

“Nowadays, people associate cycling to racing bicycles and competitions,” explains Simon. “In fact, cycling can be part of a lifestyle for everyone too, be it for commuting or recreation.”

To set itself apart from other bicycle shops, LifeCycle only imports and specializes in foldable bikes from a few notable brands such as Dahon. These bikes, according to Simon, are “portable and easy-to-handle.”. They can cost anywhere from $400 to a few grands.

With the new laws which allow foldable bicycles to be brought in to buses and trains at off-peak hours, office workers can integrate cycling in their daily lives when they travel to and from work. The bicycles, which weigh under 12kg, also fit into most cars, an added convenience in case of breakdowns and emergencies.

I was invited to take a joyride on 1 of the many foldable bikes on display.

Simon explained that he offers these test rides to his customers as many people have misconceptions about the capabilities of folding bicycles as they have small wheels and look slow to ride.

True enough, being a regular road cyclist, I found the folding bicycles to be easier to ride than I expected. The only major differences I experienced was smaller turning angles with the smaller handlebars, and a slightly bumpier ride from the small wheels, as compared to a regular sized bike.

Back in the store, accessories, gadgets, clothes, books, and art fill the many racks and displays on the shop floor.

Being a technology junkie, Simon has brought in many gadgets and accessories that are exclusive to his store.

While browsing the displays, I came across some cool gadgets that I have never seen before in other bicycle stores. There was a seat-post mounted tail light with directional signals, which can be controlled via a remote control.

Also on sale was a front lamp which could play audio files from a memory card via built-in speakers.

There was even a helmet that could be folded to save space!

Simon also has launched an iPhone app, LiveCycle, for cyclists to track their cycling distances via GPS. The clocked distances can be exchanged for discounts and benefits in-store, much like miles on airline flights. The app can be downloaded at the LifeCycle website.

LifeCycle also supports local artists and designers as it acts as a platform for creative minds to bring their works to life. On the walls of the shop are printed designs by a local artist, which are available for purchase. Various cycling-related books are also on sale for bookworms.

As Simon’s shop is located at the Central Business District in the city, most of his customers are office workers who flow in during lunch hours or after work. The shop is also open on the weekends to crowds from Ann Siang Hill and Amoy Street.

Simon also arranges community gatherings on the last Friday of each month to increase awareness of the benefits of cycling as a lifestyle. He has organized charity rides for the recent Japan earthquake, introductory rides to “fixie bikes” – bicycles with fixed gears, and is planning a workshop to teach bicycle owners basic repair skills for their rides.

Although LifeCycle has been open for just 6 months, the store has sold more than 100 bicycles and is planning to use half of its space as a cafe in the near future, to allow passing cyclists and customers, or those coming in for maintenance and repair works, to have a coffee break and a little chat.

LifeCycle is located at 18 Gemmill Lane, and opens from 1 pm to 8 pm daily (closed on Mondays). Their website can be located at