Images courtesy of Rock Records Singapore
Images courtesy of Rock Records Singapore

It’s a testament to their popularity that Taiwanese rock band Mayday has staged a concert annually for the last 3 years in Singapore, making them possibly one of our most frequent visitors. Despite this, Mayday D.N.A. 09’World Tour is the first time the band played more than 1 show, as tickets for the main performance on Aug 29 was almost sold out during the pre-order period in Jan.

As promised, Mayday performed past midnight on both shows, and rocked the entire Singapore Indoor Stadium with their amazing ‘live’ band sound. The theme of D.N.A. was extremely clear. Celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, the group asked themselves and the audience, “Who are you?” One of the official tour T-shirts spell out the band’s own definition of D.N.A. with the words “Do Not be Anybody, be somebody”.

The concert may lack elaborate costumes or breath-taking dance routines that most other Mandopop groups show off, but they got it right that the fans were there for a rock concert after all. Mayday delivered excellent music that got the audience standing up and singing along throughout the entire 3.5 hours. The first set had plenty of upbeat numbers, as with previous years’ gigs, but instead of the usual “high” tracks such as “Loneliness Terminator” and “In Love-ING” which were thrown way back near the end of the track list, it consisted of unexpected ones like “God of Gamblers”, “Viva Love” and “Hosee”. It wasn’t until the third set that the arms holding the lightsticks were fully exercised, with really fast songs such as “Scream of Spring”, “Leave the Earth’s surface” and “D.N.A.”.

Mayday also kept their word of having different content on the 2 nights, so hardcore fans would not have to sit through the same repertoire, with songs such as “Rubbish Truck” and “Night visit with the vampire” performed only on the second night but not the first. Guitarist Stone’s solo performance of “Yi ya ya” and drummer Ming’s hilarious rendition of both the male and female vocals in “Creating Romance”, a duet by Ronald Cheng and Kelly Chen, were also an exclusive treat for the fans who attended the show on Aug 28.


–       During the song “Monkey God”, every member, except lead vocalist Ashin, did a solo on their instrument. They also took turns to sing the first half of the song up to the second chorus.

–       The most amusing video shown during the concert has got to be Mayday dancing to “D.N.A.” Rock bands and techno dance is quite an odd combo.

–       It was also fun to watch the NG & Behind-the-scenes video, shown after the concert ended, and to see guitarist Stone’s cute little toddler.

–       The great visuals uniquely matched the mood of every single song, such as the electricity waveforms that were on the big screen during the guitar solos making it seem as though real sparks were flying out from the strings.

–       The acoustic guitar solos were different on both nights. While guitarist Stone performed “Yi ya ya” on Aug 28, Masa performed “Understanding” on Aug 29.

Track list (Aug 28):

Intro video: The chase

1. Ga Chia (軋車 Motor Rock)

2. Bao Gan (爆肝 Liver Explosion)

3. Du Shen (賭神 God of Gamblers)

4. Ai Qing Wan Sui (愛情萬歲 Viva Love)

5. Hosee – Techno Remix

6. Ni Bu Shi Zhen Zheng De Kuai Le (你不是真正的快樂 You are not truly happy)

Interval Video 1: The beginning

7. Sheng Cun Yi Shang Sheng Huo Yi Xia (生存以上生活以下 Survival above Life)

8. Feng Kuang Shi Jie (瘋狂世界 Crazy World) + Hou Niao (候鳥 Migratory Bird)

9. Yi Ke Ping Guo – Slow Remix (一顆蘋果 The Apple)

10. Xin Zhong Shang Wei Beng Huai De Di Fang (心中尚未崩壞的地方 The place in my heart that hasn’t collapsed)

11. Zhi Zu (知足 Contented)

12. Ren Sheng Hai Hai (人生海海 People Life, Ocean Wild)

13. Chun Tian De Na Han (春天的吶喊 Scream of Spring)

Interval Video 2: Breaking in

14. Gio Wa Dei Yi Miang (叫我第一名 Call me Number 1)

15. Ci Xiong Tong Ti (雌雄同體 Hermaphrodite)

16. Li Kai Di Qiu Biao Mian (離開地球表面 Leave the Earth’s Surface)

17. D.N.A.

Talking + lead vocalist Ashin & drummer Ming switch roles

18. Xiao Wang Ge (笑忘歌 Song of healing) + Talking

19. Ru Yan (如煙 Become smoke)

20. Sun Wukong (孫悟空 Monkey God)

Interval Video 3: The end

21. Yue Han Lan Nong (約翰藍農 John Lennon)

22. Zui Zhong Yao De Xiao Shi (最重要的小事 The important little things)

23. Tian Shi (天使 Angel)

24. Talking + Jue Jiang (倔強 Stubborn)

Interval Video 4: D.N.A. Dance

25. Lian Ai-ING (戀愛ING In Love-ING)

Credits, read by Ashin

26. Fang Si (放肆 Let go)

27. Tu Ran Hao Xiang Ni (突然好想你 Miss you suddenly)

28. Wen Rou – Freedom Version (溫柔-還你自由版 Tenderness)

29. Yi Ya Ya (伊呀呀)

30. Yong Bao (擁抱 Embrace)

31. Zhong Jie Gu Dan (終結孤單 Loneliness Terminator)

32. Zhi Ming Yu Chun Jiao – Upbeat Remix (志明與春嬌 Peter & Mary)

33. I Love You Bo Bang (I Love You 無望 I love you hopeless)

34. Gong Lang (憨人 Fool)

Ending video: N.G. + Behind the scenes

Tracks exclusive to Aug 29:

–       Boon So Chia (垃圾車 Rubbish Truck)

–       Ye Fang Xi Xie Gui (夜訪吸血鬼 Night visit with the vampire)

–       Ai Qing De Mo Yang (愛情的模樣 The Look of Love)

–       Chu Tao Tin (出頭天 Make it big)

Nothing sums up this D.N.A. World Tour better than a phrase on the promotional poster: Legend says that, at least once in a lifetime, this is the concert one has to come, let go, and enjoy.