If you own a pet, you’ve probably wondered about what he/she is thinking about once in a while. As a dog owner, I definitely want to be able to understand my dog, Kookie, better. 

While Kookie does not have extreme behavioural issues that require a dog trainer to step in, he always gets nervous around other dogs. After watching videos of animal communication sessions and seeing how the owners were able to connect with their pets and resolve their issues, I became interested in experiencing a session myself. 

When I saw an animal communicator’s Instagram page, I decided to reach out to its owner, Nicole Lai. The 26-year-old picked up the skill from Perfect K9, which runs workshops on dog training, animal communication and reiki healing for pets. She joined this course as she wanted to identify the cause of her own dog’s anxiety. 

Find out how the session went in this video: 


Edited by: Rachel Sin Ka Lam
Proofread by: Quek Si Min