Our hype writers have written a series of stories in memory of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

By Paige Foong

Michael Jackson’s unexpected passing marked the end of an era of musical superstars, and left the world without their King of Pop. John Mayer, a blues and rock singer-songwriter from the other side of the music world, said on Twitter: “A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us.” The King may be gone, but his legacy lives on as surely as his music does. (Read more…)

By Keann Chong & Eunice Lai

We live in a time where we’ve heard more of Michael Jackson’s bedroom shenanigans than of his musical genius and stage flair. This is the generation of today, fuelled on Youtube and illegal music filesharing, defined by pop starlets who pale in comparison to the sheer force that was the King. They thrill in their own right, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake and the rest, but Michael was so much bigger than that, so much larger than life, the little boy from Gary, Indiana rising above his traumatic childhood, transcending genres and cultures to define the world in his time. This is the Michael that the Youtube generation knows not about. (Read more…)

By Wong Yeang Cherng

Michael Jackson’s death, possibly the most covered event of the year to date – having occupied the covers of almost every publication on the newsstands and achieved what every politician and leader could only dream of. He brought together people of different nations, different cultures, different languages and different generations as they remembered the life of the last music great. (Read more…)


At a mere 10 years of age, Michael Jackson had already danced his way into the hearts of his global audience, and as he grew older and into his unparalleled talents, we came to realise that there would never be anyone else who could command the stage quite like him. (Read more…)