RATING: M18 (Sexual Scenes and Suicide References)
DIRECTED BY: Mary Harron
STARRING: Scott Speedman, Lily Cole, Sarah Bolger, Anne Day-Jones

At an exclusive girls’ boarding school, a sixteen-year-old girl records her most intimate thoughts in a diary. The object of her growing obsession is her roommate, Lucy Blake, and Lucy’s friendship with their new and disturbing classmate. Ernessa is an enigmatic, moody presence with pale skin and hypnotic eyes. Around her swirl dark rumors, suspicions, and secrets as well as a series of ominous disasters. As fear spreads through the school and Lucy isn’t Lucy anymore, fantasy and reality mingle until what is true and what is dreamed bleed together into a waking nightmare that evokes with Gothic menace the anxieties, lusts, and fears of adolescence.

UrbanWire is giving out 5 pairs of in-season passes to The Moth Diaries! To qualify, simply answer a question!

Question: “What are the names of the three actresses starring in the film The Moth Diaries?”

Submit your answers here!

Contest closes Jun 21.

Prizes proudly sponsored by Shaw Organisation