For users of Facebook, Twitter, Friendster and even Flickr, there is a new cause for celebration as HYPE shows you the new generation of social networking tools that promises to make your busy virtual life a breeze.

By Isaac Tan
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” is a revolutionary phrase that has left generations in awe of the advancement of technology. However, if the first landing on the moon happened today, that phrase would probably appear on Twitter faster than anyone can say Neil Armstrong.

Indeed, the world has changed since man first landed on the moon. The invention of the Internet and social networking sites has altered our methods of communication.

From the traditional snail mail, for which people could write endlessly, the new methods of communication require senders to be more succinct. Our initial “limit” of 160-characters in text messaging and Facebook status updates has since downsized to a mere 140-characters with the introduction of Twitter.

It is no doubt then, that Twitter and Facebook status updates are the new means to keep up with your friends. The increasing pace of life on this sunny island has demanded instantaneous responses from our peers.

This phenomenon has since given rise to a new way to social network known as multi-platform social networking systems.

Randy Yeo, 28, says, “I don’t really tweet often but I find it helpful that I can check on all my updates within a single page without having to toggle through multiple windows.”

The more complex ones, like OrSiSo, which stands for organise, simplify and socialise, play host to a larger variety of social networking sites. OrSiSo, for one, allows a user to manage eight different social networking sites from Facebook to Friendster, even MSN Messenger.

With its simple platform that can be easily modified to suit your preferences, OrSiSo is one of the best platforms to accommodate all your social networking needs.

The only bad thing about it lies in its unstable system. There are still occasional programme hiccups like an unusual need to keep re-authorising your accounts and delayed status updates. That said, OrSiSo still does a pretty decent job in fulfilling your social networking needs.

However, if you’re a minimalist who only bounces between Facebook and Twitter, then TweetDeck may be your cup of tea.

Well-organised and labelled columns build the framework for this entire program. Twitter and Facebook updates can be easily seen with an additional bar that can either appear above or beneath the columns.

Moreover, merely the option to update both your Facebook and Twitter status is a click of the mouse. You just have to make sure to designate the site that the update is meant for. But don’t expect anything more than status updates though, since the simple programme does not allow user to chat or upload photographs to the sites.

When it comes to technology and gadgets like these, users are often spoilt for choice. The deciding factor is your preference, because really, there is no good or bad, just what suits you more.

Derrick Lim, 21, agrees, “I think having multiple systems in a single window just makes life easier but it takes some time getting used to and finding the right one to suit your needs.”

The invention of multi-platform social networking systems has increased our ability to multi-task. It is no doubt that people will increasingly want to be able to do more at a faster rate in the simplest way. Who knows, one day, we may just start twitting with just our brain waves.

Until then, I guess this will do.