Event: Light Up The Ice

Glowing in the dark has become a trend lately. We had the Illumni Run and The Colour Run last year where runners ran (or rather partied) in splashes of neon colors. And recently at Pink Dot, the crowd lit up in pink neon lights in celebration of the freedom to love.

Inspired by the recent popularity of colour-themed events, enter Light Up the Ice, a recent event at The Rink where ice-skaters were dressed in bright shades of neon pink and green and carried illuminating light sticks while gliding on ice.

About 100-over young couples, youths and families turned up in droves to be part of the event organized by Mass Communication students from the School of Film & Media Studies in Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


Russell Goh, Irwin Zephyr and Nadia and Sarah, were invited as guest performers for this month’s event. Each performer sang their hearts out for 45 minutes, and skaters glided along while listening to acoustic performances of popular songs such as “Counting Stars” by One Republic. Unfortunately, the skaters could barely make out the lyrics due to the poor sound system.


Another attraction on the rink would be the foam that drifted down in hourly intervals. Delighted kids squealed and smeared the soapy foam all over their friends, and while youths took the chance to snap a selfie with the beautiful “snow”.

In addition to the riot of colors on the rink, visitors helped themselves to goodie bags with temporary tattoos and tote bags and a party room with a photo-taking booth filled with usual props like speech cut-outs and scarves. Even before the start of the event, a snaking queue was formed in front of the booth, and the group of friends that managed to be the first in line couldn’t contain their excitement.


Participants also got to soak up the fun at another booth offering face painting and colored hair sprays. Chermaine Looi, who helped to paint the children’s faces, was nervous at her first attempt in face painting. “The children had simple designs while the teenagers destroyed their own faces with funny looks,” commented Chermaine.


While the turn-out was not as great, it was a simple event, and Nicolene Tan, the chairperson of the organising committee was glad that the event brought smiles to the participants face. “We actually have quite a number of 8s and 10s [on the feedback form], good job!” she announced proudly to the team.

Photos credit to Ngee Ann Polytechnic Photography Club.