If you’re wondering why some of your comments never made it to the MySpace page of New Found Glory, it’s probably because bassist Ian Grushka has been hard at work filtering them from the constructive feedback.

“If it’s just stupid stuff like “Oh, Jordan’s so cute!”, I’ll just click ‘delete’.” Ian joked, referring to comments about lead singer Jordan Pundik, who is newly-wed.

But the band’s MySpace page has proven to be a great communication tool to interact with fans – something which most mainstream artistes tend to neglect.

“Bigger bands just don’t have the time to connect with their fans,” Ian lamented.

Indeed, New Found Glory connected with the fans very well at SINGfest 08. Their gig saw several mosh pits being formed, plenty of jumping and even a lucky fan invited on stage to take over rhythm guitarist Steve Klein’s guitar and rock out together with the band.

Lead guitarist Chad Gilbert elaborated on how the band’s focus on their live performances over and above their album sales help connect with the fans as well.

“A kid in America wouldn’t go to the store to get a CD. But the next week when we go to his town and play, he’ll have money to go see the show.” he explained.

“Going on stage keeps it fresh. Everyday it’s a different crowd and a different atmosphere,” drummer Cyrus Bolooki gushed.

Photos by Soh Kai Ruo.