Music Review: Is It Just Another Day


Local indie band Sapporo Safaris is back – bigger and better this time with an addition to the group and a new EP, Is It Just Another Day.

The big band, like an animal kingdom, comprises of 9 members started back in 2012. It has since grown under the mentorship of NOISE Singapore, and Is It Just Another Day is a result of this new-found maturity and sound.


Slow tunes, previously dominant in their first release Figures of Eight, have gradually made way for more upbeat tunes in the new extended play and the injection of synths have brought a fresher vibe that is pleasantly welcoming.

Main vocalist Kevin Ho showcases his vocal prowess in this new EP where his lilting voice now flows along with the change in tempo in tracks such as “Acrobatic You”. “Oxygen Man II” sings a completely different tune from its predecessor “Oxygen Man I”. According to the band on their Facebook page, “Oxygen Man I” was about being taken granted by someone we loved the while “Oxygen Man II” is a much bouncier Baroque-styled track about conquering that certain obstacle and “waving a giant finger in its face”.

Repetitive trumpet lines, which made up the bulk of Figures of Eight, are still prevalent in this EP, but a noticeable effort has been made by allowing for a trumpet solo in “Rabbit v. Sharks”.


The lyrical genius in Kevin is seen again in the aforementioned track where the title of the EP is found (The colors congeal, and make momentum sway/but will you reach the end, or is it just another day), and also contains a nugget of food for thought (They say slow and steady wins the race/but we don’t live forever anyway). Ho’s knack for rhymes permeate through the entire album, but his phrasing makes the rhymes less noticeable, such as “Acrobatic You” (Acrobats and lion tamers/Hearts of steel and faith like towers).

Constants”, the EP-opener, brings us on a little trip down memory lane and reminds us of the ones we love (You’re my constant in the dark; symmetries remain unstuck/Do you remember how we got here, all those years ago?). “Sanctuary”, a slow tune, nicely rounds off the 5-track EP, with the chant – “We will be all right!” as a form of motivation and reassurance for listeners.

Sapporo Safaris has shown us how versatile they are playing different styles with 2 EPs, and it is a good experimental treat for fans, who are probably clamoring for a full-length album soon. Meanwhile, the latest fruit of labor from this 9-man band is enough to put you on cloud 9.

Both physical and digital copies of this album can be purchased via their Bandcamp page.

All photos courtesy of Sapporo Safaris’s Facebook page.

Rating: 4/5


Constants (5:12)

Oxygen Man II (3:55)

Acrobatic You (4:27)

Rabbit v. Sharks (5:33)

Sanctuary (5:31)