You don’t need the wind, and definitely not the outdoors to fly a kite. Introducing a new twist to the traditional kite flying sport, indoor kite flying might perhaps become your newfound hobby.

One might be used to the norms of a diamond shaped kite held together with 2 overlapping poles, tied to a ball of string, but what could possibly go wrong with larger kites that go up to 1.6 meters in length, other than having too much fun? With the invention of sizable odd-shaped kites, ambitious flyers have modified the mainstream sport to defy nature – by taking it indoors.

Bringing indoor kite flying to you are the people from Act 3 International and indoor kite flyers from all over the world. International kite flying experts include Spencer Watson from America, Qian Jian Guo from China and Danny Lau from Malaysia.

To involve the local arts scene in this festival, Act 3 International hired a Singaporean illustrator to come up with the visuals for this event.

One of Act 3’s events includes the indoor kite fiesta held at one of the busiest heartlands in Singapore – Toa Payoh HDB hub.

Artistic Director Ms Ruby Lim-Yang, wanted the fiesta to be more than kite flying, “it is more than a sport, and this fiesta is the marrying of the arts and kites”.

The marrying of the arts and the kites may sound a little weird, but one must see for themselves the beauty of this newfound sport as the kite flyers move their kites to the beat and the tempo of the song being played with much control and grace.

Contrary to what many might have assumed, you need to have minimal wind to fly a kite indoors; the kites are flown using the relative wind, provided by the kite flyer.

Singaporean indoor kite flyer Chun Ti mounts his kite on the ground then, travels a distance to jerk the kite up with the two handles provided and let it rise through the air.

The kite flyer first mounts the kite on the ground, and then travels a distance before lifting the kite using the handles, which connects the string to the kite. Using the handle, the flyer uses vigorous movements to keep the kite flying.

The youngest indoor kite flyer at this event, 18 year-old, Spencer Watson has been into indoor kite flying for over 6 years. He shares, “flying the kite, gives me a sense of freedom – it is just me, the kite and the music”.

Spencer, showing of his favourite kite of the moment – the Revolution Kite and the movements he engages in to allow his kite to perform at its best.

Spencer has been flying for about 6 years now and he says that he sees more youths taking up indoor kite flying and in the state of Washington alone; there are 4 youth competitive indoor kite flyers.

Cheong Chun Ti, Singaporean indoor kite flyer also has seen a steady growth of youth becoming interested in indoor kite flying. The indoor kite flying scene is slowly picking up as Chun Ti explains, “we are trying to start a club (SG Urban Kiters). But for now, a group of us use community club halls to fly our kites”.

While the people flying the kites may make it look like a breeze, kite flyer, Patrick Tan 51, tells us otherwise that it takes “a lot of perseverance [and] it is not easy. The first time you try it, you can crash, burn,” adding on jokingly, “and die”.

For Mr Tan, he considers indoor kite flying a vigorous sport. “Look at how much I sweat!” he exclaimed, pointing to his drenched shirt. In indoor kite flying, one must keep the movement of the kite going and sync it with the music by moving and leaping all over the area.

Sharon Chee, 18, found that the fiesta was “cool and fun to watch”. She added that it felt relaxing to see the kites soaring in the air

Together with these experts, Act 3 will have public programs running from the Jul 29 to Sep 3. An event to watch out will be Indoor Kite Flying Fiesta at Ion Orchard from July 29 to August 2 where Ms Ruby Lim promises “indoor kite flying together with a mini circus. It is going to be very colourful and fun”.

Indoor Flying Fiesta will be at ION Orchard from Jul 29 – Aug 2, proudly presented by ACT 3 International.
Photos by Annabelle Fernandez