The EA SPORTS™ FIFA Online 2 NP Cyber Soccer Cup kicked off on 27 July 2009 with preliminary rounds running through 3 days at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Film and Media Studies block.

After 1 month of publicity of try out booths at NP Ourspace@72 and roadshows at NP Orchard, more than 100 students signed up for the NP Cyber Soccer Cup. They were then randomly sorted into 4 days and most students had to play against strangers.

Students were in for a surprise when they played against their schoolmates.Matches were played furiously as people pitted their online soccer skills against each other.

“It was a great opportunity where I could see my level of skill when I challenge other people,”Anthony Tan, 19 said.

Gino Lee, 19, also commented that he was able to feel “how competitve the whole tournament is”.

Some students also took the opportunity to make new friends when playing against each other, offering a friendly handshake to each other after every match, and cheering each other on in the following matches.

The last day of the preliminary round and Top 16 will be held at E2Max Cine-L9 on 15 August 2009, from 12pm – 5pm.