“Getting caught with someone else other than your spouse is really the hardest thing to apologise for,” Drew Brown from OneRepublic said in the press room of the MTV Asia Awards after winning the Best Hook-Up award.

He quickly explained that it wasn’t something he did to his spouse. Instead, the guitarist says it was something he learnt through experience – that it was someone else who did that to him.

MTV’s Best Hook-Up award, however, has nothing to do with romance and the complexity that comes with it. It’s about the best collaboration between musicians.

In OneRepublic’s case, they won the award for their collaboration with Timbaland for their hit single “Apologize”.

“We like both versions, really,” they agreed when asked which versions do they prefer. “Timbaland didn’t rap, so that’s good”.

Video courtesy of MTV Asia Awards
Additional video editing by Lee Xian Jie