Join us for live tweets on on the awards show!

What’s happening:

Quick thoughts and full winners list of the Oscars:

One word to sum up the Oscars telecast: Awkward. For more insights, check back later on #oscars

We have come to the end of the Oscars twitter coverage. Check back later for a full report. See you at the movies!

For a full transcript of the Oscars tweets, visit our website now!

Somewhere over the rainbow pops the Oscars winners!

Go google PS22 from Staten Island, New York!

The King’s Speech wins Best Picture. Long live the King!

Steven Spielberg announces Best Picture with a graceful acknowledgment of the other 9 pictures that didn’t win.

Colin Firth acknowledges Tom Ford. Yes we are reminded of his A Single Man loss.

“I have a feeling my career just peaked.” – Colin Firth, Best Actor.

Colin Firth wins Best Actor for The King’s Speech.

James smiles painfully backstage. We think he’s still stuck in that crevice.

“Jesse, I’m still waiting for you to accept my friend request on Facebook.” – Sandra Bullock. First FB joke of the night!

Sandra Bullock acknowledges The Dude!

Sandra Bullock says ola to Javier Bardem! “You scared the whole nation with your haircut.”

Cue tears from every Best Actress winner. We have been following you since The Professional, Natalie. We love you!

Natalie Portman wins Best Actress for Black Swan.

Is there a glow on mom-to-be Natalie Portman?

Jennifer Lawrence looks hot! Resembles Hayden P from Heroes.

Jeff Bridges introduces Best Actress nominees.

James Franco does not look directly at the camera half the time. What’s he staring at? His twitter screen?

Brownlow, Coppla and Wallach on stage for brief standing ovation.

Why is Annette Bening doing on stage? Go back down and wait for Best Actress announcement!

Tom Hooper in a moving acknowledgment of his mom “Listen to your mother.”

The King is not ignored! The King’s Speech looks good for Best Picture now!

Tom Hooper wins Best Director for The King’s Speech! First nom and win!

Hilary Swank introduces Kathryn Bigelow, Best Director.

Anne Hathaway looks like a fish wrapped in a tight patent blue dress.

Recap: 4 wins for Inception, 3 wins for The Social Network. Can King’s Speech make a quick dash to the throne?

Best Actor Colin Firth; Best Actress Natalie Portman; Best Picture King’s Speech; and Director Tom Hooper. Outguess us!

We are onto the last lap of the show. 4 major awards coming right up! Can The King’s Speech win the biggest prize of the night?

RT @TheAcademy “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it” – Lena Horne

Goodbye Gloria Stuart, Ronni Chasen, Leslie Nielsen, Patricia Neal, Lynn Redgrave, Peter Yates, Dennis Hopper and Jill Clayburgh.

Oscars favourite Celine Dion performs for In Memoriam.

“Analysts” are saying momentum is with Inception and Social Network now. As the Brits would say, “What a load of rubbish!”

Someone tells James Franco to stop tweeting and concentrate on NOT looking constipated on stage. #oscars

RT @TheAcademy Coming up #Oscars “In Memoriam”

We Belong Together by Randy Newman wins Best Original Song. Second award for Newman.

Gwyneth Paltrow performs ‘Coming Home’ in Country Strong. Nope she isn’t singing ‘Forget You’.

Jennifer Hudson presents Dido and A R Rahman for ‘If I Rise’ in 127 Hours.

James Franco tells us these movie titles are inappropriate: How to train your Dragon, Winter’s Bone and Rabbit Hole.

That’s how the awards season has been. Social Network gains momentum early (3 wins so far) but King’s Speech has the last laugh. Perhaps?

The Social Network wins Film Editing.

Inception completes trio of wins tonight. No wait, Chris Nolan is still up for Director. No wait, he isn’t even nominated. Still dreaming!

Inception wins Visual Effects.

Props to Jude Law on slighting Downey. “Batgirl!”

Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law present Visual Effects. Bromance!

We see another tribute to Bob Hope. Wasn’t there just one few years ago? And the producers say they are running long.

Billy Crystal fast forwards the telecast: “Here are the nominees for Best Picture.”

Did you know: PM Lee was interviewed in ‘Inside Job’ by Charles Ferguson.

Inside Job wins Documentary Feature.

Will Banksy appear? Will he???

Correction: O presents Best Documentary.

O presents her book club.

‘Fishing for Facebook’ remix. ‘He doesn’t own a shirt’ remix on Twilight. Nice.

OMG. Harry Potter and ‘Tiny Ball of Light’ remix.

God of Love wins Live Action Short Film.

Strangers No More wins Documentary Short.

Amy Adams (looking really old in too sparkling blue dress) and Jake Gyllenhaal present Documentary Short.

Aaron Sorkin backstage: “I’ve grown to love him very much.” On his email exchanges with fellow screenwriter David Seidler.

Mandy Moore in resplendent blue. Beautiful.

Oscars favourite darling Randy Newman performs.

Kevin Spacey presents Original Song.

Alice in Wonderland wins Costume Design. Deservingly.

The Wolfman wins Best Makeup. “It’s gross.”

The regal Cate Blanchett presents Makeup.

Marisa Tomei radiates even in dark colours.

Recap: Why are we seeing less of James Franco? Is he stuck in a hard place between a place and a rock?

It’s not a King’s sweep as expected. Can it resume the momentum to win the biggest prize of the night? Plus director is too close to call.

Inception wins Sound Editing.

Another shout out to the snubbed director Chris Nolan. “Chris is the architect.”

Expect Inception to win the technical awards including sound editing and visual effects.

Inception wins Sound Mixing.

Keeping score: It’s The Social Network 2 The King’s Speech 1. #oscars

The Social Network wins Best Original Score.

Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman present Original Score.

“I’m not going to drop the f-bomb like Melissa did. I’ve done that many times before.” Christian Bale, Best Supporting Actor.

Christian Bale wins Best Supporting Actor. #oscars

Reese Witherspoon presents Best Supporting Actor.

In a Better World from Denmark wins Foreign Film.

Russell Brand and Helene Mirren show the Americans how to crack a joke on stage!

First Charlie Sheen joke heard! As mentioned by James Franco in drag.

Anne Hathaway does a musical. “Hugh Jackass!”

Melissa Leo owns the F word now! #oscars

David Seidler: “I’m a late bloomer.”

As expected, it’s a match up between The King’s Speech (Original Screenplay) and The Social Network (Adapated Screenplay). Score 1-1.

The King’s Speech wins Original Screenplay. #oscars

Aaron Sorkin is eloquent and speaks in lightning pace like his award winning screenplay. #oscars

The Social Network wins Adapted Screenplay. #oscars

Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem present Adapted Screenplay.

Recap: James Franco looks constipated, Kirk Douglas is a tramp and Melissa Leo makes a SPEECH! Boys everywhere download Mila Kunis wallpaper

Mila Kunis, be careful how much you bow or bent. Your low-cut dress is way too low for a PG rating.

Toy Story 3 wins Animated Feature. Is anyone even surprised? #oscars

Hottest buzzword right now: “You know.” #oscars

The Lost Thing wins Animated Short Film.

Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis on stage. HOT.

No worries if you’re late to the show! Get our tweet transcript on the Oscars Awards Show at The UrbanWire here:

Anne Hathaway: “I thought F stands for The Fighter!”

The F word appears 25 mins into the show. Goodbye Leo. They are going to take back your award.

Melissa Leo: “But I’m just shaking in my boots here. I’m kinda speechless. It looks so f**king easy!”

Kirk Douglas redefines how to present an award. With suspense.

Melissa Leo wins Best Supporting Actress.

Melissa Leo, recently blackout-ed for her personal for your consideration ads, gets warm applause.

Kirk Douglas fawns over Hathaway and then presents Best Supporting Actress.

Missed the red carpet action at the Ocars? Check out our tweet transcript! But meanwhile, more on the awards show…

Standing ovation for Kirk Douglas.

Shout out to Christopher Nolan! Best director snub.

Inception wins Best Cinematography.

Tom Hanks presents Cinematography.

Alice in Wonderland wins Art Direction!

Academy award winner Tom Hanks presents Art Direction.

“It’s been a good year for lesbians! The Kids are all right! Black Swan! Dancing lesbians! Toy Story 3! Where’s the dad?”

Anne introduces her mom and James intros his grandma. Grandma: “I just saw Marky Mark!”

“James, You look very appealing to the younger generation.” Anne Hathaway speaks the truth.

FYI readers, Franaway are naturally your hosts tonight James Franco and Anne Hathaway!

Alec Bladwin: “Who are those people?” on Franaway.

Franaway in The King’s Speech: “I have good news for the future. Microphones get smaller.”

The Oscars opens with Anne Hathaway and James Franco in Inception, The Social Network, The Fighter, True Grit and Morgan Freeman!

RT @oscar_awards: RT @theacademy: Welcome to the 83rd Annual Academy Awards #Oscars

Tom Hanks to present the first award. Buzz buzz buzz. #oscars

The stars are filling up the Kodak Theatre. We are a minute away from the big show! Expect a breezy awards. The genre montage is canned!