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I was born in 1997 – a late millennial. A digital native.

We’re the cohort that learnt to type as soon as we learnt to write.

Growing up, many of my peers would blog about their lives on Blogger and WordPress. But for me, and a small group of others (girls in particular), a physical diary was what we held dear.

Join The UrbanWire on a nostalgic ride as we take you through our childhood musings.


Cheryl Tang, 9


Photo by: Cheryl Tang

Transcribed post:

“My Looking…

In Life, there is Always happy timez & sad timez… You are human & have feelings! If you are extremely happy you can use useful word like: joyful, overjoyed, excited, delighted & cheerful. Sad words example forlorn felt like crying, upset & terribly sad. A show can’t last forever, it will also have an end! Birthdays come each year! It would come & go too! Happy days will come & go! Even sad days!”


Cheryl Tang, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Photo by: Cheryl Tang
Cheryl Tang, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Photo by: Cheryl Tang


That’s an entry from my own diary.

I wrote it in Apr 2006 to cheer myself up as I was upset over something after my 9th birthday.

It’s funny seeing my own advice to myself, especially my choice of words back then. I guess it shows that I’ve always been keen to expand my vocabulary.

In a way, I think the habit of writing in a diary has helped me to discover my interest in journalism.

Today, I’m a final-year Mass Communication student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I’ve completed a writing internship at local women’s magazine Her World, and am contributing actively to our campus e-zine The UrbanWire.


Thanks diary – for reminding me of my love for words.


Shermaine Lee, 11


Transcribed post:



Once u are frens, u will be frens 4eva, as it will always stay in your heart. even if u actually dun meet each other anymore, or u got into an arguement, u will forgive each other and become frens again. Onceu become frens, like casual frens, ur relationship will grow as u meet and if I’m ur fren, and we become best frens, make sure u dun forget ME!


Written by: Sherm


A Poem

Frens 4eva, oh frens 4eva,

U sure’ll be frens 4eva,

U will be laughing haha,

in ur long journey of relationship.


Forms of the words “frens 4eva”.

Grand form: Friends forever

Playful form: Frens 4eva

Naughty form: Fwends4eva

Classic form: Frens Foreva

Normal form: Frens 4ever

Childish form: Fwends foreva

Arrogant form: Felends folevla”


Shermaine Lee, 19, undergraduate at Nanyang Technological University.
Shermaine Lee, 19, undergraduate at Nanyang Technological University.


This entry was written by Shermaine Lee when she was in Primary 5. A class on haikus and poems inspired her to pen it.

“I don’t know what I was thinking. It was completely random, but I know now that those aren’t haikus or poems!

“I was a transfer student back then, so maybe I was thinking about my old or new friends.”

As for the “forms”, she admits that she doesn’t remember how she derived them anymore.

“It gives me a good laugh every time I look at it,” the 1st-year Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information student said.


Megan Cheah, 12


Transcribed post:

“26 Sept 09

It starts at 8pm today. I do hope that Ferrari and Nico (Mooncake, not you) does better this time. If Kimi’s not into Q3, I think I’ll go bonkers.


I hope to write to you soon!



P.S.: I actually named you after Nico (Mooncake) Rosberg, so you have to hope that he makes it into Q3. Cheers!”

Megan Cheah, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Megan Cheah, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic


Megan Cheah wrote the entry in 2009, the 2nd year Singapore played host to the Formula One (F1) race. She was 12 years old then.

“I almost forgot how much I was into F1 when I was only 12,” Megan said as she showed me her collection of autographed merchandise (in picture).

“Nico Rosberg was my favorite driver – so much so that I named my diary after him.”

Megan also added that she nicknamed the German F1 champion “mooncake” after seeing a picture of him making mooncakes on the The Straits Times.

“I kept that page for a while, that’s why I still remember it,” she said.

Today, the 19-year-old Ngee Ann Polytechnic student has managed to catch F1 live, and has met her favorite drivers in the flesh – but she has since moved on from Nico Rosberg.

“I don’t really like Nico Rosberg now that everyone likes him too. Anyway, he has retired after winning the championship last year.

“I like another Nico – Nico Hulkenberg.

“He’s really underrated and I really want him to do well.”


Kimberley Lim, 12


Transcribed post:

“8 June 09’

heyllos/harlows Diary! :D

my teeth dropped!

okay, tooth…

Because I already have a new tooth growing, so I dun think I can wear braces for now. But I want to!! :O Even though it might be painful. I’m very scared. I even heard I have to wear possibly for over 2 years! I’ll be 14 by the time I take it off if I wear now! Ahh … – !!

I want to wear braces but I’m REALLY scared of the pain…”

 Kimberley Lim, 20, undergraduate at National University of Singapore

Kimberley Lim, 20, undergraduate at National University of Singapore


It’s been 8 years since Kimberley Lim wrote that entry, among many others in her colorful diary.

She has since worn her braces, and has taken it off. “I can’t believe I was so afraid of the process,” she said flashing her straight pearly whites. “I was right that I would have to wear it for more than 2 years though!

“Looking back, the pain was bearable and worth it,” the 1st-year Science student at the National University of Singapore said.

Kimberley added that she might want to discard her diary soon to avoid any future embarrassments.

“I really did go into excruciating details about every single thing going on in my life at the time.

“I might actually throw it out someday.”


Alysia Choo, 10


Transcribed post:

(continued from another page)

“(when he’s not busy.) Hey bud! Can you buy 4 me the Hannah Montana CD?… Remember… U said that it is going to be my hols present? And u already promised! Can we go to VivoCity to buy it? (the small words means ‘say it softly.’) That is wat I am gonna say to bud. I hope It’ll Work!

I really, really, really want the HM/MC CD. I like it. I want to listen to the songs.


If I had a fairy god parent, my wish is:

1st: I wish I had a HM2 CD.

2nd: I wish I have perfect drawing and singing skills.

3rd: I wish u can grant my every single wish.


I’m gonna design sth >


Miley Cyrus & Hannah Montana ROX!”


Alysia Choo, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Alysia Choo, 19, student at Ngee Ann Polytechnic.


When Alysia Choo was 10, everyone around her was into Hannah Montana.

Although she liked the bubbly star of the hit American musical comedy television series too, she wanted to keep it a secret.

In her entry, she wrote about her plan and drafted a letter to her father, whom she called “bud”, to buy a Hannah Montana CD for her.

“Sometimes, I still listen to her songs and sing along,” said the 19-year-old Ngee Ann Polytechnic student. “I can still remember the lyrics!”

Alysia also seemed to have shown an interest in design from a young age. The text illustration in her diary entry speaks for itself.

“I guess you could say I started designing at a young age,” she said with a laugh.


Do you keep a childhood diary? Have you read it lately?

Write to us if you’d like to share a piece of your childhood with our readers.