
If you find yourself googlingWhen is Father’s Day 2015” today or any time this week, you might realize that you’re either clueless about what to get, too late to save up for a decent gift, or simply awkward with card writing (FYI, it’s on June 21). Well, all is not lost if you’re still trying to get into your father’s good books. Perfect for dads who have everything they need, no-bake pops are easy-peasy to make and serve as great last minute gifts.

You may have taken a step back thinking, “Meh, these are not significant enough as gifts”, but let us prove their worth. In recent years, no-bake pops constitutes largely to the no-bake trend, serving as an alternative to the authentic cake pops.

In Singapore, where it’s mostly too warm to turn your oven on, these no fuss, eye candy treats are here to stay. A food blogger and an avid baker herself, Tan Fang Ning, 19, says: “No-bake pops taste just as good as baked ones and are able to last longer. The no-bake trend is increasingly popular because the process of making them is much faster, and the ingredients simpler, which means less costs.”

Some of us might find it hard to express ourselves when it comes to an open declaration of love for our fathers. But hey, it’s not too late to give it a fair crack of the whip – it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it? A father of 2 teenagers, Jimmy Tan, 53, certainly agrees: “It would be great if my kids acknowledge me on Father’s Day but I don’t need expensive gifts, as long as they make me feel that I’ve done my job well as a father.”

Since it’s all about sincerity, why hesitate? Check out UrbanWire’s guide to making these no-bake pops for your pop:


Note: All ingredients are available at major supermarkets.


  1. Oreo Cookie Nutella Pops


Made with only 4 ingredients, the Oreo Cookie Nutella Pops taste as good as it looks. Here’s how you make them:

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4 – 6 people

You will need:

1 rolling pin

1 large Ziploc bag (26cm x 28cm)

2 rolls of Golden Oreos (137g each)

1 tub of Cream Cheese (250g)

1 tub of Nutella (375g)

6 – 8 Cake Pop Sticks/Skewers

2 packets of Sprinkles (100g each)

Baking Paper (optional)


Step 1: Seal the Oreos in the Ziploc bag and crush them with a rolling pin

Step 2: Pour the crushed Oreos into a bowl

Step 3: Add small amounts of Cream Cheese at a time into the crushed Oreos and mix well until it is incorporated into dough

Step 4: Roll the dough in your palms to form 8 balls, 1.5-inch in diameter

Step 5: Place them on a plate on top of baking paper and refrigerate for approximately 5 minutes, or till they firm up

Step 6: Insert the Cake Pop Sticks into the chilled dough balls

Tip: Coat the ends of the Cake Pop Sticks with some Nutella so that they hold well

Step 7: Dip the chilled dough balls into Nutella until they are completely covered

Step 8: Immediately coat the Nutella covered balls with coloured sprinkles

Step 9: Refrigerate for 10 minutes and serve chilled


  1. Fruity Pebbles Marshmallow Nutella Pops


A healthier and much simpler alternative to the Oreo Cookie Nutella Pops, these marshmallow pops are dunked in Nutella and coated with Fruity Pebbles Cereal. Here’s how you make them:

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

Serves: 4 – 6 people

You will need:

1 packet of Jumbo Marshmallows (200g)

1 tub of Nutella (375g)

6 – 8 Cake Pop Sticks/Skewers

1 box of Fruity Pebbles Cereal (311g)


Step 1: Insert the Cake Pop Sticks into the center of the marshmallows

Step 2: Dip the marshmallows into Nutella until they are completely covered

Step 3: Immediately coat the Nutella covered marshmallows with Fruity Pebbles

Step 4: Set them aside to cool for 5 minutes before serving


So, with these recipes and sincerity in your hearts and minds, go all out and celebrate Father’s Day the sweet and sentimental way. From all of us at UrbanWire, have a very Happy Father’s Day!


Tell us in the ‘Comments’ section below, what you think of no-bake pops. If you’ve tried out our recipes, how did it turn out? Let us know if your pops loved them!