It’s not a good sign when the guy sitting next to you in a movie has the plot figured out 30 minutes in.

It’s even worse when the movie in question is Salt, with its stellar cast and packed action.

Angelina Jolie plays the title character in this female version of the Bourne movies. She’s a CIA agent accused of being a sleeper agent from Russia and her mission is to kill the Russian president in order to start a war.


This sparks a series of nearly impossible action sequences including her constructing a rocket launcher out of a fire extinguisher, jumping from vehicle to vehicle on the highway or take down hordes of highly-trained men, never mind the fact that this woman barely weighs 50kg.


The plot then brings you on what it wishes was a rollercoaster ride to seek answers about Salt’s loyalty, but really, it’s not that fun when you know exactly where the turns and dips are.

Another thing that doesn’t endear this movie to you is the lack of emotion. Salt, much like the actor playing her, is larger than life and she apparently doesn’t need emotion. It stops the audience from feeling for her, something that random flashbacks of her and her husband doesn’t rectify.


Loopholes are common in this film, as well as a lack of explanation. The filmmakers only explain to you the true nature of Salt’s job 10 minutes into the film, as though they expect the audience to know because they should have seen all the trailers because of Jolie’s star power.

Despite the shortcomings, this movie still is relatable to American audiences due to the recent US-Russian spy fiasco, whether it raises awareness or feeds paranoia is another matter beyond this movie review. Furthermore, this movie could also a not-so-subtle attempt to make a mockery of the FBI, CIA and Secret Service, given the way Salt defeats them as though it’s another training exercise before making her way into a bunker below the White House.

Or maybe we’re reading too much into what is meant to be just another action movie.

And it’s Angelina Jolie after all.


Title: Salt
Opens: Aug 5
Duration: 100 minutes
Language: English
Rating: ★★✭✩✩
Genre: Action, Thriller
Director: Phillip Noyce
Cast: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor