Producer: Aishah
Videographers: Qi En, Keziah
Sound: Nicole
Video Editor: Fang Yi
Hosts: Aishah, Preethika

Aliwal Chess Club is making waves in Singapore’s vibrant chess community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Aliwal Chess Club is a welcoming haven for all as it opens its doors to enthusiasts and players of every skill level to revel in their shared passion for the game. Founded by the passionate chess enthusiast Hirfan, the club recently celebrated its second anniversary in the month of November, marking a significant milestone in its journey.

The club actively organises and participates in chess meets, contributing to the flourishing chess culture in Singapore. These events provide a platform for players to test their strategies, learn from each other, and foster a sense of healthy competition. Apart from events, tournaments hosted by Aliwal Chess Club also attract participants from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the club’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity within the chess community. 

As the club celebrates its two-year anniversary in November, Hirfan reflected on the club’s influence on the chess journeys of many members. Many credit Aliwal Chess Club with providing a supportive space for their growth, both as players and as individuals. The club’s anniversary celebration was a testament to the bonds forged over countless chess games and the shared passion that unites its members.

Looking ahead, Aliwal Chess Club envisions an even more prominent role in Singapore’s chess landscape, with plans to expand its outreach and host larger tournaments. With Hirfan’s leadership and the dedication of its members, the Aliwal Chess Club will continue their mission to break down barriers and unite people through the joy of chess. Here – it’s all about forging connections and igniting the spark that turns casual players into passionate chess enthusiasts.