A chic little establishment at Ann Siang Hill, shots. claims to provide a perfect day with “a shot of espresso in the morning, a quintessential photo shot to frame your day and a gratifying shot of sake to end your night”.

While UrbanWire isn’t too sure about other 2, we can testify with gusto that their coffee’s more than capable of giving us a perfect day.

To achieve this, shots. uses their own blend of coffee beans ($34 for 907g) and that’s all they’ll say about it. All we know that it’s a great grind, with a smoky aftertaste devoid of that acidic tinge most coffees seem to have.


Their mocha ($5.80) strikes a delicate balance of coffee and chocolate, with the former being the star and the latter providing a heavy richness. It’s also sweet enough to take without sugar, allowing it to be a dessert for those who are watching their waistlines.

Meiji milk is what they use, and this is most obvious in their latte ($5.50). For those who prefer a stronger one, there’s the pictolo latte, for the same price.


The coffee is made using a La Pavoni lever espresso machine, the only one in Asia Pacific. Lever espresso machines are generally regarded to produce a better cup of espresso as the barista is allowed tighter control over the amount of pressure delivered by the steam by pulling the lever.


UrbanWire also tried the Signature Tiramizu ($8.50). Their version of the hip Italian dessert deviates from the normal. Instead of sponge fingers soaked in a mixture of coffee and Kahlúa liqueur, there are layers of sponge with a jam-like spread of coffee and alcohol. The cream is not as sweet as one would expect, rather, there is a heavy aftertaste of cheese that’s not entirely unpleasant.


shots. also has a great décor, which is in their own words, “minimalist”, but it’s a little more than that, with protraits hanging on the wall,. It works, giving you peace as you sip your coffee. They also have a photo kiosk for you to print your photos, a cute reminder of the photography school a level above.

This is a great place to unwind after a long day at work if you’re sick of clubs or pubs, preferably on a Friday night, when they stay open till 2am so that you don’t have to worry about waking up early the next day.

Trust us, you will want to stay.

Address: 8 Ann Siang Hill
Telephone No.: 6224 8502
Opening Hours: Monday to Thursday and Sunday – 9am to 11pm, Friday and Saturday – 9am to 2am
Rating: ✭✭✭✭☆

All photos taken by Jasmine Chong from Klix Photography.