simon pettigrew 1
The frontman and songwriter for UK band Ghosts created the indie pop album, The World Is Outside, in 2007 with their song ‘Stay the Night’ gaining weighty radio airplay, before disappearing into thin air just like… well, a ghost. The band had performed alongside with established band Keane while they were in Britain in 2007 as well.

The singer-songwriter with a whimsical take on traditional pop music that comprised of sounds similar to Radiohead and Thirteen Senses, held his debut gig between Mar 29 and Apr 2 at Singapore’s TAB located at Orchard Hotel. The British singer was casual and cool when he greeted our reporters and was not farouche to proclaim his fondness for American singer-songwriter-cum-producer-cum-rapper Timbaland.

The first question that pops into mind is probably why Pettigrew’s chosen to reappear musically not only in Singapore, but at TAB?

“This gig came about in quite an unusual manner, I was just taking some time out in Thailand actually. I came to visit my brother in Singapore in January, and we came to someone’s birthday party in TAB and we were getting quite drunk,” he explained, “Suddenly one of the DJs played one of my songs, I thought it was a bit of a joke that he was playing it for me, which was requested actually. I was kind of forced to (play) since my brother got up the stage and introduced me.”

The laid-back singer from London continued with his comeback story saying, “From what I remember, which was somewhat sketchy, cuz I was… you know, (drunk) and it was quite late in the evening, it was very fun, it was like riding a bicycle, I was playing songs that I’ve played a hundred times before.”

Judging by Simon’s gusto at playing at TAB, his comeback might just start out from this mid-sized live music restaurant/bar that has hosted other singers such as Rox and Ryan Cabrera.

Francesca Tay meets up with this British mystery man for an exclusive interview.

How’s your time so far in Singapore?

“It’s been good, I’ve only flown in 3 or 4 days ago, and unfortunately I’ve spent 2 of them in bed, ill. But, the rest of the times were brilliant. I’ve been a bit sick and I’ve been touring the hospitals of Singapore, I don’t remember which one actually, I was carried there in the depths of illness, but I’m better now.”

What’s coming up after your 5-day residency in TAB?

“I’m going to stick around for another week or so? I’m hoping to play some more gigs for a couple of people if they come forward with some offers, maybe for a charity gig, and my brother (Oli Pettigrew) has a TV show and they want me to go play on that as well. It’s called Sony Style.”

Simon Pettigrew's band, Ghosts

Where are the rest of your band members?

“They’re all back in England. I left in January and we spent a lot of time together all the time. We’re on perfectly good terms, one man from the band has left, he inherited lots of money and he’s decided to pursue his dreams.”

Do you feel more inspired when you’re drunk?

“Certainly more amiable to doing things (laughs), probably wouldn’t have done it (stepping up on stage to perform while he was at TAB for a friend’s birthday) if I were completely sober. Some other guy was playing and there was a gap in his set so it felt like I was kind of cheated, fortunately the vodka made me not think about it at the point of time.”

How does the experience of performing solo compare with playing with the band?

“It’s a little scarier playing solo, but it’s also a little more free, like I can change what songs I want to perform at the very last minute or make a mistake and it’s okay.”

Any upcoming plans on a solo album?

“Not yet. We’ve have been planning a new Ghosts album, we’ve got lots and lots of songs, it’s just a matter of finishing them up. There’s a couple of new songs I’ve put up on Myspace, such as ‘Never Too Late’ and ‘Say You’re Mine’.”

Are there any collaborations coming up?

“I haven’t got any plans yet, I just play these gigs and meet as many people as possible, and if any fans wish to collaborate, he/she should get in touch.”

One word to describe Ghosts?

“I was actually thinking “Ghosts” is quite appropriate because we kind of did disappear off the radar, but I think it would be ‘Mysterious’.”

Music influences?

“That’s a really hard question. I was influenced by lots of stuff, like Timbaland, Britney Spears, Arcade Fire…rather than any specific artiste. Whenever our influence comes from one of those bands we all love, for example Nirvana, no one can really tell what we’ve been listening to. Ive got a lot of respect for songwriters like Cathy Dennis for Kylie (Minogue), and obviously Timbaland, with his own production company.”

Are there any unexpected songs in your iPod?

My iPod hasn’t been updated for 3 years! Playlist? Britney Spears.

Justin Bieber?

Justin Bieber, no…. ‘Baby’ is a good song, but you have got to hate it.”

Acknowledgements to TAB Singapore for exclusive interview

Photos by: Francesca Tay