With sharp wit and subtle sarcasm, Felix Cheong’s virgin venture into humorous fiction, the Singapore Siu Dai series, captures the honest conversations of everyday Singapore. A compilation of satirical tales, the series is filled with tongue-in-cheek stories that Singaporeans can definitely connect with.

Told vividly in Singlish, Cheong breathes life into the Singaporean culture with his unique and quirky characters. Through light-hearted anecdotes, he captures the voices of Singaporeans from all walks of life, echoing the sentiments and beliefs that shape the Singaporean identity. Whether it’s about MRT train woes, the education system or the prevalent complaint culture, these siu dai (less sweet in Hokkien) stories will hit home with most Singaporeans. That said, non-Singaporeans might struggle to understand and relate to some of these stories.

At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss this series as a superficial collection of Singaporeans’ stories and complaints. However, it’s much more than that. Original and hilarious, the series pulls no punches and explores the darker themes of gender, race, religion and class. Poking fun at touchy subjects many are hesitant to discuss, the series reveals a world of stereotypes, privilege and unvarnished class divisions that lies beneath Singapore’s glossy veneer.

Refreshingly honest, Cheong’s satirical work reflects the problems hidden within the cosmopolitan city, giving readers a glimpse of the good, bad and ugly side of life in Singapore. An authentic and accurate representation of our homeland, the series is fresh, shrewd and artfully funny.

The UrbanWire has 3x sets of books to give away.

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