The Singapore Slingers and Slingers Girls went on a charm offensive along busy Orchard Road on Sunday, Sep 30 to drum up support for their next home game against the Townsville Crocodiles at the Singapore Indoor Stadium this coming Tuesday, Oct 2. Starting at Starbucks Plaza Singapura, the entourage made their way down to Orchard Cineleisure and Ngee Ann City, before finishing off at Wisma Atria.

The sheer size of some of the Slingers’ 2 m-plus players like American import Rod Grizzard and Blagoj Janev, together with the likes of flamboyant crowd favourite Mike Helms and local heart-throb Michael Wong raised more than a few eyebrows as they passed out bookmarks, brochures and vouchers to the curious shopping crowd to promote the Townsville game, while the Slingers Girls, decked out in eye-catching golden outfits, performed some of their signature dance routines to entertain the passersby. More than a few onlookers came up to shake the players’ hands and pose for pictures.

Slingers players and Slingers Girls work their way down busy Orchard Road to drum up support for Tuesday’s game against Townsville Crocodiles.