What comes in silver and royal blue, contains a golden, liquid nectar and born in the year Singapore became independent? Tiger Beer is shedding its previously austere packaging for a little more festive and colorful vibe this national day period – all in the name of patriotism.


However, not everyone feels the same way about celebrating our nation’s birthday. Singaporeans take the opportunity of a long weekend to leave the country for a getaway romp.

And Tiger Beer wants to change that mindset, starting with a campaign known as “7 Acts in 7 Days” that aims to get Singaporeans onto the streets to showcase exactly how Singaporean they can be. Just check out the video below to see these acts in action.

With instructions uploaded everyday, you’ll get to complete different acts which range from a simple Instagram picture of you eating your favorite local dish (Mmm, satay, anyone?) to bellowing your love loud and proud to everyone around.

All these gratuitous acts come with its own set of prizes. Tweet your thoughts on the campaign with the hashtag #uncage to win a beer pack in Tiger Beer’s latest colors! Participants also win an invitation to Tiger’s National Day bash on – you guessed it – August 9.

Despite all this talk of campaigns and prizes, the real question remains: why not stay home this coming weekend and simply celebrate?

 Post Sponsored By Tiger