The Bizzare Young Things


All images courtesy of The Bizarre Young Things

For this party trio, coming together was pure coincidence and fate. The 3 go-getters met in school, tuition and even at the National Day Parade in Singapore, without suspecting how much they had in common – the love for fashion, music and parties.

With a fantastic business idea to redefine the partying scene, the threesome met over coffee one day and decided to start an events, party and lifestyle company. They call themselves, The Bizarre Young Things (TBYT) and their only aim is for others to have awfully good fun while they gain experience in the clubbing industry.

The group said: “We want to infect people with our love for music and fashion interests through the parties that we organise.”

As young (they’re all under 21!) entrepreneurs, being pro-active is a must. TBYT for instance, started out emailing and meeting up with the management of clubs in the hope of creating a collaborative business effort. Joanna Tang said: “No money was needed as we just helped them promote the event and come up with fresh, unorthodox ideas to attract crowds to the club.”

Despite school being their major priority, they made it a point to meet before every party and get the necessary logistics ready. Joanna said: “I guess it’s more of an overall effort to keep it going, as we have the passion and interest in it. Once you have that established, the commitment factor is no longer a problem.”

Time to Differentiate


(Left to right) Ngeow Jiawen, Joanna Tang, Darren Foo

These 3 good friends may be inseparable, but they’re each defined by their own striking personalities and forte in contributing to TBYT’s success.


Ngeow Jiawen may look like the average person on the street but the party beast inside her loves partying, shopping and most things decadent. Vices aside, she spends most of her time juggling school projects, her social life and planning events for TBYT.

This rather reserved lady is the creative mind behind all the arty-farty graphics and posters by TBYT. However, under the influence of alcohol, she epitomises what living life to the fullest means. As the saying goes, you only live once right?


Joanna Tang exudes confidence, charm and charisma when speaking.  Language is no barrier to her as her strength is in writing and churning out write-ups for the group. Apart from all that writing, this brainy miss-know-it all takes charge of all things financial of TBYT.

Her sporty glow radiates both excitement and passion that she translates into everything she does in life – even when it comes to partying. Just beware of her tongue when she’s loaded up on the booze. Joanna has varied tastes in music and hopes that people can share her enthusiasm through events like OMG! It’s pop! Her motto: Live it up!


Darren Foo may seem like your crazy party boy raiding the clubs on weekends, but he means business. He loves fashion, art, music and anything beautiful and believes in taking chances in fashion by dressing differently to show his individuality. Expect to see his flamboyant sense of fashion and chunky necklaces when he parties the night away.

Darren says: “Why blend in with the crowd when you can stand out from them?” There’s more to him than being that alcohol heavyweight. As the only male in the group, his undying energy means he is always hard at work mingling with the crowd and improving TBYT’s public relations with current and future working partners.

OMG! It’s Pop!

What got them started? The current scene was too dull for them and as Joanna said, “it is the same old boring thing going on in clubs every week.” Music and drinks don’t amount to a successful party. In fact, their idea of a good party is an experience with something new and fresh each week. This gave rise to the launch of their pop extravaganza party, OMG! It’s pop! The first official party planned by TBYT that’s held every fortnight at Home Club.

At OMG! It’s pop! you can expect unusual fashion theme parties (Think fairytales, pumpkins and Black and white parties) with crazy POPpin’ music and props courtesy of TBYT.

This pop party is about reliving your old school days with a twist. From electro pop to mainstream pop, these guys will party to anything. According to Joanna, OMG! It’s pop! differentiates itself from the usual club parties where being normal is overrated and they target a niche market of outstanding individuals to gather in the friendly atmosphere at Home Club.

To usher in the New Year and bid 2009 goodbye, join TBYT with a star studded night of OMG! It’s pop! on Dec 31. The party trio fully expect you to “come dressed up as bald Britney or Queen Madge to leap ludicrously into 2010! Boy bands, dysfunctional single moms, bimbotic blondes – all are welcome! We love psycho people cuz normal is so OVERRATED!”