THE BUTTER FACTORY TURNS 6, this 28th April 2012 and it’s going to be one HELLUVA Flight!

Time flies when we are having fun and what would our 6th birthday be without our signature flair through a flight of mileage proportions!

The Butter Factory is THE perfect escape where fun is serious business so much so, that The Butter Factory was awarded the “Best Nightspot Experience” Award 2011 by The Singapore Tourism Board. This year, in true Butter Factory Style, we are raiding the world to bring the best of it in ONE NIGHT of good ole’ plane fun. Safety is not guaranteed as loud music; mental dancing and turbulence will be expected. Our trolley dollies have nothing but the best in flight alcoholic refreshments for your selection.

Kimonos? Checked. Samba fever? Got it right here. Leave the baggage, throw all inhibitions into the clouds! We know that we weren’t kidding when we said that we’d bring you around the world. Think you’re brave enough? We bet! Now here’s your boarding ticket!


Event details:

Turbulence: The Butter Factory

Date: 28th April 2012

Venue: The Butter Factory

For more information on the event, do check out their site here.


UrbanWire is giving out 5 pairs of tickets to the Turbulence: The Butter Factory! To qualify, simply answer a question!

Question: “How old does The Butter Factory turn this year?”

Submit your answers here.

Contest closes Apr 27, 4pm

Prizes proudly sponsored by The Butter Factory

Entry at the club is before midnight