On Apr 7, The Rapture opened *Readyset GLo – The MotoRed Sessions with an absolutely fantastic live performance at Zouk, followed by a spinning session at Velvet Underground.

Playing to a wildly adoring crowd, The Rapture conjured a terrific live set, from start to finish, leaving everyone gasping for more. Some bands sound good on their album but aren’t that good playing live, whereas The Rapture sounded good on their CD, and way better live. Hailing from New York City, the band mixes influences from many genres including acid house, disco, electronica and rock, and the fusion genre proved to be a hit, with the crowd lapping up every bit of the band’s playful and energetic songs.

With vocal duties shared evenly between guitarist Luke Jenner and bassist Matt Safer, they were backed by their enthusiastic fans who were chanting and shouting out all the lyrics to their songs. It left those who weren’t that familiar with the band a little awkward at first, but eventually, little or no warming up was needed for the rest as everyone was soon singing and dancing away to the band’s infectious songs. Matt Safer in particular, charmed the crowd with his great bass slaps and funky bassline, and his dorky dance moves certainly had the crowd eating out of his hand, following him in bouts of hand-clapping and foot-stomping.

Elsewhere on stage, Luke Jenner was fast garnering the loudest cheers of the night with his screeching vocals and uninhibted stage presence. He most certainly did not look like he was from a new band at all: he was a true crowd pleaser and he knew it. Jenner soon began striking model poses to the adoring flashes of the cameras held by their fans, and even machine-gunned the audience with his guitar, to loud raucous cheers. It didn’t matter that an over-zealous fan all the way in the front kept reaching out for his crotch for the guitarist braved it all and eventually jumped off the stage straight into the arms of his adoring fans.

Starting off with House of Jealous Lovers and ending off with Down For So Long, The Rapture completely had the audience hooked. The fun lasted for an hour, and the night ended with the crowd bathed in sweat from all the dancing, but with faces adorned with smiles of complete bliss and satisfaction.

If you missed the performance at Zouk, you can still buy The Rapture’s album, Pieces of The People We Love at all music stores.

The next party for Readyset Glo is scheduled on May 26. For more information please visit http://www.zoukclub.com

*Readyset Glo – The MotoRed Sessions also aims to raise awareness on (Red) – the campaign that aims to end AIDS in Africa. By collaborating with some of the world’s most iconic brands, such as Motorola, to produce branded products with a percentage of each (PRODUCT)RED item sold going to The Global Fund that helps women and children infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa.

For more information on the campaign, please visit http://www.joinred.com/more.asp

Pictures courtesy of Jules.